Details from their
Grand Tribunal UK is the European convention for
Atlas Games Ars Magica role-playing game.
Dates & Times:Our next event will be Friday 8th August to Sunday 10th August 2014.
Saturday 10am-10pm and Sunday 10am-4pm
Plus unofficial fringe/social events on the Friday evening
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire UK
Tickets will be on sale at least six months before the event. Join our
mailing list to be informed as soon as tickets go on sale.
Practical informationTickets - how much it costs (quick answer: very cheap) and how to pay
Venue - directions, maps, facilities, accommodation, transport and disabled access
Programme - session times, early arrival meet & greet, restaurant and pub times
Games - the individual campaigns being run, who is running them, and how to sign up to play
People - staff, attendees - introduce yourself
Ethos - policies, guidelines, collections of thoughts