Details from Meetup Site:
"Now traditional Board/Card Games event in Leicester. Easily reachable from M1-J21, and Leicester Train Station.
Frequently asked questions and other useful information.Time to play some of those fun card and/or board games you got but never quite get around to bringing out, or drool over the ones other people got. Give the TV remote to the dog, tell the cat to go find its own mice, and get down to the Black Horse.
If the past is any sort of guide all of the following will be available for play:
En Guarde
And of course whatever else folks bring along, in my case some of the following are likely to come with me: Settlers of Catan, Bootleggers, Stone Age, Robo Rally, Stone Henge, Cosmic Encounter, Red November and others besides
And of course if anybody has anything else they want to bring along then by all means do so - really more the merrier. Come on down!!! - Be there or be a Polyhedral Platonic solid.
Tell us what you can bring/would like to play by putting up a note on the event page.
Lifts from Leicester train/bus stations are possible by arrangement. But there is also a bus route too."
The Black HorseGames:
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