The components of this game are of a very high quality and the artwork superb. There are multiple ways of playing this game, co-operative, semi-co-operative, competitive even Solo. The type and style of game is dictated by Player choice and numbers but all are well described in the Rules. The layout is different each time, with some restrictions in order to allow players a chance of survival

Essential themed as an escape from a facility, similar to that seen in the Cube Films, the players are trying to locate and escape from Room 25. They can achieve that through helping each other or by manipulating other players to aid their own escape. Each turn the players program 1-2 actions from a possible four, if they play only one they can choose whether to use it in the first or second action phase:
Look - In an adjacent room, without showing other players
Move - Into an adjacent room and reveal it
Push - A player from your room into an adjacent room
Control - A row or column of rooms so the end room gets shifted to the other end (labyrinth Style)
These come in the form of tiles , coloured for the players, with suitable simple artwork depicting the action. The games plays over a fixed number of rounds, depending on the game mode, each character has a corresponding token is placed on time track. As each turn is completed the First player becomes the last and thus marks the countdown in turns, this is a great mechanic and does build tensions as you see the line creep towards the last few open slots on the timing chart marking time running out.
This is one of those games where, though technically has a fully co-operative mode, has to be played with the traitor element in play. It feels thematically right and just adds to the great atmosphere of the game. I really enjoyed this, it plays quickly has oodles of theme and the level of paranoia induced by the hidden traitor just adds to the whole enjoyment. The minis, which are really detailed, do require painting or marking in some way, as in their original plain grey state are hard to distinguish on the tiles. Each player has a supplied player board with handy descriptions of the room tiles on, thanks a very nice addition. It is worth noting that the
Fantasy Flight Square Sleeves fit the tiles perfectly which, as they will be shuffled a lot, will mean they will not wear thereby preventing potentially making it easy to spot certain tiles and spoiling the surprises.