So, have you played this yet? As you know I'm more of an RPG fan (I believe there is a new RPG out this year too) than a board gamer but being a huge Firefly fan I'm tempted by this. How does it work (in laymans terms?)
Each player takes on the role as Captain of their own FireFly class ship, they each pick a Captain card with each one having their own abilities to assist your endeavours in the 'verse.
You pick a story card which outline the goals your Captain will need to achieve to win the game and what changes (if any) are made to the initial setup rules.
You each start with some job cards which can be legal/illegal and each one tells you where you need to start the Job, any pre-requisites needed etc. It also shows you what payment will be made upon successful completion. If you complete a Job you get a Solid rep with that contact which brings additional rewards and options you can utilise as you venture through the 'verse.
There are numerous actions you can choose between each turn but can only take 2, and they have to be different. Travelling the 'verse is dangerous so when you attempt this you can either mosey along slowly or take a Full Burn but doing this means you have to draw navigation cards (Alliance or Reaver depending on the sectors you are in) some are just "Keep Flying" others require skill checks or cause events or move the Alliance Cruiser or Reaver Ships .
All in all the Atmosphere and theme of the game suits the Firefly Universe very well, though one caveat to that is the first game is hard work as the rulebook is certainly not the best. Once you get a hang of how things work the game flows quite quickly and there are plenty of hard choices to be made along the way.
This needs a huge table, the board is quite big and there are a LOT of decks of cards each needing there own discard space. Really enjoyed my first taster game of this, despite the brain burning start of getting my head around the rules. Really looking forward to trying this again sometime and there seems to be a growing list of people who want to get in on a game so I had better get my head in the game for the next outing
The new expansions seem to be adding more cards and options which look like they will improve the gameplay somewhat as well as adding some additional player interaction options.
Great Game, awesome components with fantastic artwork. All in all a well produced game that feels right and fitting for the setting.