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Author Topic: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games  (Read 738607 times)
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Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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« Reply #2040 on: 19 March 2019, 23:45:02 »

Judge Dredd Counters

54 thick cardstock counters for Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD and for The Robot Wars supplement.
Source: Judge Dredd Counters

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2041 on: 19 March 2019, 23:45:02 »

Judge Dredd GM Screen (The Lawmaster)

Source: Judge Dredd GM Screen (The Lawmaster)

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2042 on: 19 March 2019, 23:45:02 »

The Robot Wars

The Robots are Revolting!All across Mega-City One, the Robots are turning against their Human masters. Chaos reigns as the charismatic Robot leader, Call-Me-Kenneth, rallies the city's Robots to his side, and only the Judges stand in their way.Play as Judges in The Robot Wars, or as Civilians and Perps in Saving Matt Damon Block, as war rages across the embattled city.With expanded rules for Robot characters, in-depth discussion of Robots' role in society, and summaries of Dredd's earliest case file, this supplement is an essential addition to the Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD roleplaying game.Requires the use of the Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD core rulebook.
Source: The Robot Wars

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2043 on: 20 March 2019, 05:45:02 »

Judge Dredd and The Worlds of 2000 AD

Source: Judge Dredd and The Worlds of 2000 AD

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2044 on: 20 March 2019, 05:45:02 »

Star Trek Adventures: The Science Division Supplemental Rulebook

Fascinating..."It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions."-Commander Benjamin SiskoThe Sciences Division supplemental rulebook provides Gamemasters and Players with a wealth of new material for use in Star Trek Adventures for characters in the sciences division. The Sciences Division supplemental rulebook includes:Detailed description of the sciences division, covering both the science and medical departments, Starfleet Exploratory Division, Starfleet Science, and Starfleet Medical.An expanded list of Talents and Focuses for science and medical characters, as well a new character creation choices for cybernetic and genetic enhancements.Guidance on creating truly strange and unique alien species, as well as advice on including spatial anomalies, parallel universes, the Q, and time travel in your adventures.A list of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, and rules for their inclusion in Star Trek Adventures.Advice on creating plot components that focus on their scientific and medial Player Characters, as well as information on including counsellors in a campaignRules for creating new, truly alien species, introducing hazardous and hostile environments into scenes, and new mechanics for suffering or curing diseasesDetailed descriptions and game statistics for a range of Science and Medicine focused NPCs and Supporting Characters, including Carol Marcus, Noonian Soong, and Zefram Cochrane.This book requires the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use.
Source: Star Trek Adventures: The Science Division Supplemental Rulebook

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2045 on: 26 March 2019, 09:45:03 »

Anarchy: Chicago Chaos

The Deepest DisorderFor years, the heart of Chicago has been a wasteland, but not a barren one. Squatters and scroungers compete with ghouls, insect spirits, and creatures that haven't even been named yet in the quest to carve out a piece of this inhospitable territory for themselves. That's all changing, though. Some of the powers of the world have decided there might be things of worth inside Chicago's Containment Zone, so they're looking to  open it up. The fight for the soul of Chicago is on.Chicago Chaos contains Contract Briefs, characters, and plot information for Shadowrun: Anarchy players, providing the details and resources needed to let player jump into the chaos, fighting bizarre enemies, digging up pieces of the buried past, and seeing what they can make out of a once-broken city. There are also new qualities and Shadow Amps to help players flesh out their Anarchy characters.Chicago Chaos is for use with Shadowrun: Anarchy.
Source: Anarchy: Chicago Chaos

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2046 on: 26 March 2019, 09:45:03 »

Giant Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats

OPEN & ROLL62 Wipe clean Battle Mat pagesAttention space adventurers! The Big Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats contains an array of sci-fi themed mats to keep your crew rolling through any unexpected encounters.62 wipe clean map pages cover ship rooms, station corridors barren moons, alien jungles, ice planets, desert planets and even the depths of space amongst others.Designed to spark the imagination, illustrate and track encounters using the handy square or hex grid, the Big Book of Battle Mats offers endless flexibility. You can play on each map page individually or use the lay flat format to combine the complimentary opposing mats as one larger two-page spread version.So, grab your blaster and Roll for initiative...
Source: Giant Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #2047 on: 26 March 2019, 09:45:03 »

Big Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats

OPEN & ROLL60 Wipe clean Battle Mat pagesAttention space adventurers! The Big Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats contains an array of sci-fi themed mats to keep your crew rolling through any unexpected encounters.60 wipe clean map pages cover ship rooms, station corridors barren moons, alien jungles, ice planets, desert planets and even the depths of space amongst others.Designed to spark the imagination, illustrate and track encounters using the handy square or hex grid, the Big Book of Battle Mats offers endless flexibility. You can play on each map page individually or use the lay flat format to combine the complimentary opposing mats as one larger two-page spread version.So, grab your blaster and Roll for initiative...
Source: Big Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2048 on: 26 March 2019, 21:45:01 »

Conan: Conan the Pirate

Source: Conan: Conan the Pirate

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2049 on: 26 March 2019, 21:45:01 »

Conan: The Monolith Sourcebook

Source: Conan: The Monolith Sourcebook

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2050 on: 26 March 2019, 21:45:01 »

Conan: Horrors of the Hyborian Age

Source: Conan: Horrors of the Hyborian Age

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #2051 on: 26 March 2019, 21:45:01 »

Wrath and Glory Starter Set

Source: Wrath and Glory Starter Set

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #2052 on: 26 March 2019, 21:45:01 »

Tactical Maps Reincarnated

Source: Tactical Maps Reincarnated

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #2053 on: 27 March 2019, 02:45:02 »

Kult: Divinity Lost Dice Set

This is the official dice set for the horror roleplaying game KULT: Divinity Lost.Contains 2 custom dice.
Source: Kult: Divinity Lost Dice Set

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #2054 on: 27 March 2019, 02:45:02 »

The Black Madonna

When the new year's eve of 1941 shifts to 1942, all the candles extinguish in the churches of Leningrad. The Saint's faces turn to black. The fabric of reality tears. When morning comes, twenty priests are found dead by their own hands.A silent girl with many secrets is found in a closed off basement. No one knows who she is or where she lives. With no other options available, she is taken to an orphanage where nothing is as it seems.The same cold winter night, Dimi, an old icon painter, meets a strange woman on his way home. She reveals her face to him and gives him a command, then walks away. Back in his small apartment, he immediately starts painting a new icon. An icon depicting a Black Madonna.The Black Madonna is a legendary KULT campaign previously unreleased outside of Sweden and France. Its six separate episodes lead the player characters into a haunting adventure connected to the Death Angel Chagidiel and the Archon Binah, and their servants.Taking place in 1991 and set in a recently reunified Germany, the journey will lead the player characters into a Soviet union on the brink of collapse, to unlock the mystery of what actually happened in Leningrad during World War II. During the campaign, they will be taken to a world of dark dreams, and venture into the depths of Inferno, trying to save themselves.The Black Madonna is written for KULT: Divinity Lost and has been updated with a completely new chapter describing the world of 1991 and new rules for creating characters connected to the setting and story.The Black Madonna is meant for an Adult audience. You need KULT: Divinity Lost to play The Black Madonna.
Source: The Black Madonna

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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