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Author Topic: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games  (Read 740539 times)
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Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #1650 on: 14 February 2018, 04:45:02 »

Star Trek Adventures: The Next Generation Starfleet Tile Set

Source: Star Trek Adventures: The Next Generation Starfleet Tile Set

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #1651 on: 14 February 2018, 04:45:02 »

Mutant Explosion

Source: Mutant Explosion

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #1652 on: 14 February 2018, 04:45:02 »

Conan: The Book of Skelos

Source: Conan: The Book of Skelos

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #1653 on: 14 February 2018, 04:45:02 »

Conan: The Thief

Source: Conan: The Thief

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1654 on: 14 February 2018, 04:45:02 »

Conan: The Mercenary

Source: Conan: The Mercenary

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1655 on: 14 February 2018, 10:45:03 »

Adventures in Middle-earth The Road Goes Ever On

Source: Adventures in Middle-earth The Road Goes Ever On

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #1656 on: 14 February 2018, 10:45:03 »

Adventures in Middle-earth Eaves of Mirkwood and Loremaster's Screen

Source: Adventures in Middle-earth Eaves of Mirkwood and Loremaster's Screen

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1657 on: 14 February 2018, 10:45:03 »

Adventures in Middle-earth Mirkwood Campaign

Source: Adventures in Middle-earth Mirkwood Campaign

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1658 on: 14 February 2018, 10:45:03 »


Destroy Winterhorn...or get these 'peace activists' to tear each other apart before they can do something terrible. Use every trick in the intelligence playbook - from black bag jobs to direct violence - to stop them.Winterhorn is a live-action game about how governments degrade and destroy activist groups.
Source: Winterhorn

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1659 on: 14 February 2018, 10:45:03 »

Karvosti: The Witch Hammer

Mist blanketed the plateau,chilling and damp,causing Selisa to shiver as she and a dozen other newly arrived treasure hunters stood before the Huldra. The witch's firm eyes glared at them from behind her mask, assessing them one by one."What's going on?" Galar whispered. "We haven't done any-"Selisa silenced her fellow explorer with a discreet kick to his shin. This was hardly the time for arguing. One barely dared to even breathe. The feeling of uneasiness grew stronger as the Arch Witch's gaze fell on Galar, and darkened."You..." The voice was hateful and as accusatory as the bony finger that pointed to Selisa's friend. "You are the prey." The witch turned to the wrathguard accompanying her, whose hands rested easily on the handle of his axe. "Take him away. And his companions too,"Before Selisa or Galar had time to react, before the wrathguard had taken so much as a step towards them, the clear clang of a lonely bell cut through the air.The witch flinched, then glanced at the tower balancing on the edge of the plateau, ten steps sway. "Too late", she hissed, turning to hose gathered before her. Now plunderers, fight or die! The darkness you have awoken is upon us!"Karvosti: The Witch Hammer invites you to join the treasure hunt of a lifetime! Between these covers you will find not only the epic and action-packed adventure The Witch Hammer, but also nearly a hundred pages of campaign material describing the cliff of Karvosti and its surrounding areas, including an extensive section with new rules and guidelines pertinent to the setting and adventure.Featured Content:The With Hammer - the most dire and perilous treasure hunt since the days of Symbaroum.An extended account of the Krvosti region, to be read by both players and Game Masters.Twenty unique establishments where player characters may rest, eat, drink, gather information or seek an audience with local dignitaries.A comprehensive chapter for the Game Master, describing what lurks beneath the region's surface, with plenty of plot hooks to develop into adventures or entire campaigns.Guidlelines on how to handle the exploration of ruins and the scheming going on in Symbaroum, plus plenty of additional rules including new abilities, traits, elixirs, artifacts, monsters and enemies
Source: Karvosti: The Witch Hammer

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1660 on: 14 February 2018, 22:45:03 »

Mutant Explosion

TROUBLESHOOTERS!Alpha Complex is undergoing an explosion of mutants! This briefing pack contains all the information on fifty brand-new, never-before-detected and extremely traitorous mutant powers that some of your fellow citizens are concealing. Fear the laser-bending powers of the Refractor! Arrest and interrogate the Vanisher! Point and laugh at the Phosphorescent! Terminate with extreme prejudice the Android for bonus XP points! If you suspect that you are a mutant then due to a shortage of clones, you must arrest and interrogate yourself, and if you find that you are a mutant, then terminate yourself immediately for a 50 XP point bonus.
Source: Mutant Explosion

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #1661 on: 14 February 2018, 22:45:04 »

Conan: The Book of Skelos

WELCOME TO A WORLD OF SORCERY"Read, if you dare, what Skelos wrote, with dead hands fumbling his silken coat; and follow the ships through the wind-blow wrack - follow the ships that come not back."The Book of Skelos delves into the deepest mysteries of sorcery in the Hyborian Age, dramatically expanding the rules for sorcery and all things magical for gamemaster and player characters alike. Included within these pages are rules and guidelines on handling player character and non-player character sorcerers, the usages of sorcery in campaigns, a host of magic items, creatures of the Outer Dark, and new skills and techniques to bolster any sorcerer's repertiore.So, don your wards and charms, step inside your circle of protection, and read these accursed pages!New sorcerous archetypes - the industrious Alchemist, cunning Charlatan, enlightened Sage, devoted Sorcerer, and the primitive Witch Doctor - for payer characters to become, with new sorcerous backgrounds, educations, and natures.New skills and techniques such as necromancy, mesmerism, mummery, herbalism, human sacrifice, and astrology, to equip your sorcerer player characters and foes alike with a wide range of techniques and tacticsNew spells and alchemical enchantments, from Artifice of Yag to Visions of Exalted WisdomArtifacts such as the Heart of Ahriman and the Serpent Ring of Set, including a host of strange devices, ancient technologies, and weird scientific oddities from a forgotten eraNew types of exalted sorcery, like rituals and great workings such as Rend the Earth's Bones and Opening the Gateway Between, to bring terror to the worldRules for creating life, spawning new horrors, and modifying existing monsters with all-new sorcerous qualitiesExpansive rules for creating and fostering sorcerous cabals, pitting them against one another and using them to pursue goals both diabolical and deadlyA history or sorcery spanning from the dawn of time through the Cataclysm, into the Hyborian Age.  Thrill to tales of pre-human civilizations and their greatest secretsDeveloped with leading Conan scholars, this is the darkest sorcery of the Hyborian Age revealed at last, as Howard created itThis book requires the Robert E Howard's Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of core book to use.
Source: Conan: The Book of Skelos

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1662 on: 20 February 2018, 05:45:04 »

Earthdawn 2nd Edition Gamemaster's Guide

Source: Earthdawn 2nd Edition Gamemaster's Guide

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1663 on: 20 February 2018, 05:45:05 »

Virtual Reality 2.0

"There I was, standing next to Joe on the corner, when outta nowhere comes this overgrown troll riding the hugest Harley Scorpion I've ever seen, blastin' away from all three firmpoints. What really scared the bejeeezus outta me were his arms - coupla big chainsaws, buzzin' away like a hundred million wasps. He rode right up and sliced through Joe like a hot knife through butter! Noe flickered a bit, his face  ontorging into a primal scream, and disappeared. I hotfooted it back to the squat with the words, "Buy Mitsuhama" running through my brain - dont' ask me why. "The Joe's brother unhooked us from the Matrix......AND THE REAL NIGHTMARE BEGAN."Virtual Realities 2.0 offers a complete overhaul of all the rules for running Shadowrun's worldwide computer network, the Matrix. New rules provide a faster-playing version of decking through the Net, update Shadowrun technology, and offer new equipment and equipment rules. This sourcebook also includs rules for playing otaku, the mysterious technoshamans who seem to live in the Matrix, and offers the most current information about Matrix law and artificial intelligences.Virtual Realities 2.0 replaces the Virtual Realities sourcebook. For use with Shadowrun, Second Edition.
Source: Virtual Reality 2.0

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« Reply #1664 on: 20 February 2018, 05:45:05 »


Reality is for those who lack ImaginationConnect to the world-wide net know as the Matrix and create a universe of your own. No matter what your status in the real world - megacorp president or synthmeat street vendor - you can be the lord of all you can imagine. Access virtual clubs and test your skills in total-reality games. Ransack massive databases and pillage corporate systems for paydata - try to stay alive long enough to enjoy the results.Matrix expands on the basic decking rules provided in Shadowrun, Third Edition, and offers advanced rules for programming, deck construction, system security and accessing the Matrix. Matrix includes rules for information searches and new updates onatificial intelligences and otaku characters.
Source: Matrix

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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