Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1635 on: 17 January 2018, 21:45:02 » |
Dungeon Crawl Classics 2017 Holiday Module: XCRAWL New Year's Evil2017 Holiday modulea Level 2 AdventureBy Brendan LasalleGet ready for Xcrawl, the live-on-pay-per-view death sport RPG, now powered by the unstoppably old-school Dungeon Crawl Classics rules! And this holiday season, Xcrawl is breaking open a bottle of over-the-top dungeon crawl insanity, and serving it up for some New Year's Evil!Strange things are afoot in Toronto! The spirit of the New Year is driving the Gods to drink, whipping the fans into a frenzy, and inspiring the staff to start the party before the team even makes it into the green room! Can a low-level squad, faced with shady jousters, wet jesters, hell pugs, and cubical zombies - not to mention poetry, puzzles, and traps galore - survive to ring in the New Year? And will the sponsors still pick up the tab now that the dungeon has gone mad?Start the countdown! Nunc est bacchandum atque Xcrawl ludendum! Source: Dungeon Crawl Classics 2017 Holiday Module: XCRAWL New Year's Evil
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1636 on: 18 January 2018, 15:45:02 » |
Consular: Signature Abilities DeckSource: Consular: Signature Abilities Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1637 on: 18 January 2018, 15:45:02 » |
Consular: Ascetic Specialization DeckSource: Consular: Ascetic Specialization Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1638 on: 18 January 2018, 15:45:02 » |
Consular: Arbiter Specialization DeckSource: Consular: Arbiter Specialization Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1639 on: 18 January 2018, 15:45:02 » |
Consular: Teacher Specialization DeckSource: Consular: Teacher Specialization Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1640 on: 18 January 2018, 21:45:02 » |
Consular: Signature Abilities DeckIn a galaxy torn by war, the diplomatic skills and tranquility of Consulars are in short supply. Through discipline and understanding, they chart a peaceful course through any conflict.This deck requires the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook and Disciples of Harmony It includes 18 cards covering both Consular Signature Abilities and their upgrades. Source: Consular: Signature Abilities Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1641 on: 18 January 2018, 21:45:02 » |
Consular: Ascetic Specialization DeckAscetics devote themselves to a life of isolation and contemplation. Hardened through this self-imposed exile, these Consular's strength of will and body can overcome any challenge.This deck requires the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook and Disciples of Harmony It includes cards for all 20 talents available in the Ascetic specialization. Source: Consular: Ascetic Specialization Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1642 on: 18 January 2018, 21:45:02 » |
Consular: Arbiter Specialization DeckArbiters are masters of negotiation and diplomacy. With the aid of the Force, these Consulars seek peaceful solutions to even the most dangerous of situations.This deck requires the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook and Disciples of Harmony It includes cards for all 20 talents available in the Arbiter specialization. Source: Consular: Arbiter Specialization Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1643 on: 18 January 2018, 21:45:02 » |
Consular: Teacher Specialization DeckWhether drawing from the lore of the Jedi or their own life experiences, Teachers offer vital guidance and instruction. These Consulars use the Force to aid their students and allies.This deck requires the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook and Disciples of Harmony It includes cards for all 20 talents available in the Teacher specialization. Source: Consular: Teacher Specialization Deck
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1644 on: 24 January 2018, 00:45:02 » |
Sentinel Comics The Roleplaying Game Starter KitYou are The Heroes of Sentinel Comics!In these six exciting adventures from the pages of Sentinel Comics, you play as the Freedom Five and their former intern Unity in the timeline gap between the end of the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game and Sentinal Comics: The Roleplaying Game. Each hero has their own booklet, detailing who they are, how their character sheet works, and what they can do. All this, plus the Gameplay Guide, add up to a total of 13 booklets included in this Starter Kit!Heroes, you must help rebuild Megalopolis and reunite the hero teams of the world, all while staving off attacks from the villains who threaten us all! Can you uncover who is behind these attcks before it's to late? Source: Sentinel Comics The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1645 on: 07 February 2018, 15:45:03 » |
Reign of TerrorSource: Reign of Terror
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1646 on: 07 February 2018, 15:45:04 » |
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Urban SprawlSource: Starfinder Flip-Mat: Urban Sprawl
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1647 on: 07 February 2018, 15:45:04 » |
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Ruins of Azlant Poster Map FolioSource: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Ruins of Azlant Poster Map Folio
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1648 on: 07 February 2018, 15:45:04 » |
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Dungeon Multi-PackSource: Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Dungeon Multi-Pack
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #1649 on: 07 February 2018, 15:45:04 » |
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide Pocket EditionSource: Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide Pocket Edition
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ