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Author Topic: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games  (Read 734910 times)
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Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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« Reply #120 on: 26 February 2014, 00:00:01 »

Cultists Under the Bed

Our reality is ruled by monstrous gods, invisible horrors that hunger to consume us. Some deluded bastards worship these gods, trading obeisance for power or magic or the privilege of getting eaten last when the world ends. Cults are like cockroaches, breeding in the shadows, gnawing at the walls of society, fearful of the light... and bloody hard to kill.This supplement for The Laundry Roleplaying Game delves into the murky realm of the cultist and the conspirator, detailing eight of the nastiest, most tenacious foes of the Laundry and plenty of minor ones.
Source: Cultists Under the Bed

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #121 on: 26 February 2014, 00:00:01 »

Blood Red Mars

The red sands of Mars are stained dark with the blood of conqueror and conquered, of explorer and savage beast, of alien and native alike. Mars, the Red Planet, named for some long-dead Earthling god of war, has lived up to its namesake. Armies march, archaeologists battle the traps of Ancient Ruins, and warbands of the native Chanari raid the towns of the 'civilized' castes with impunity. Life on Mars is one of conflict, of gun and blade, of bow and fang, of ideas. Freedom cry out the Julandri slaves, faith call back the Kastari priestly sects, mine scream the prince and the revolutionaries!In Blood Red Mars you will find a complete gazetteer of the alien world, listing its major cities, principalities, physical features, and geographic regions, along with story hooks and example characters for each. There's also information and rules fore the (often-deadly) flora and fauna of Mars including the dreaded silt sea dragons, deadly stigia bird, and ravenous desert well tree; a list of organizations operating on Mars, each with detailed descriptions of their history, operations, and rules and story hooks for using them in the game; a complete adventure set on the Red Planet and more besides!Can our heroes prosper on Mars, or will their blood too soak into the sands eof th Red Planet?
Source: Blood Red Mars

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #122 on: 26 February 2014, 00:00:01 »

The Fate Freeport Companion

Classic Freeport Adventure Fate Core StyleWelcome to the Fate Freeport Companion! For over a decade, Freeport has stood as one of fantasy gaming's most distinctive cities. Home to pirates, foul cults, terrifying monsters, vicious gangs, crime lords, and a whole host of corrupt politicians, Freeport is a dynamic setting, offering a unique blend of high adventure and cosmic horror. Inside these packed covers, you'll find:Rules design by noted Fate Core authorities Brian Engard and Clark Valentine.A new skill system for Fate Core that utilizes six base skills: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.A brand-new magic system that melds classic fantasy RPG flavour with Fate Core rules.An all-new insanity and madness system to evoke the popular Lovecraftian overtones of the City of Adventure.Rules for using weapons, armour, magic items, and even firearms!Fate Core stats for Freeport monsters, including the freakish blemmyae and the dreaded burnings.Details on the core races and how they fit in the city, as well as rules for implementing player character race in Fate Core.Statistics for over 75 heroic allies and terrible villains described int he The Pirate's Guide to Freeport.Fury in Freeport:  A new adventure to help you launch a brand-new Freeport campaign!The Fate Freeport Companion is your rules guide to exploring Green Ronin Publishing's Freeport, whether as a daring hero looking for adventure, or as a Gamemaster seeking new worlds to explore, this sourcebook is an indispensable accessory for fans of both Freeport and the Fate Core System!
Source: The Fate Freeport Companion

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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« Reply #123 on: 26 February 2014, 00:00:01 »

Weird Wars: Rome - Nox Germanica

GM Screen with adventure.
Source: Weird Wars: Rome - Nox Germanica

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #124 on: 26 February 2014, 00:00:01 »

Weird Wars: Rome

Veni, Vidi, ViciIn the fear and Horror of war, dark things rise...Her legions strode forth from the centre of civilization - west to Britannia, east to Asia, north to Germania, south of Aegyptus - and conquered most of the known world. In their travels the legions found things that would be disbelieved by slave, citizen, and senator alike. War elephants, wild dervishes, and creatures beyond description met them at every turn.The glory of the Empire spread to the corners of the earth, but its shadow found even darker places - and things - that defied record.Join the forces of Rome and battle through the ages against her enemies. Discover the terrible secrets left out of the history books. Save the empire. Save your shieldmates. Save the world.Weird Wars Rome is a setting and campaign book for adventures of violence and horror in the ancient world. It includes new rules for Spoils of War, Campaign Interludes, and Legacies that allow characters to pass down their deeds and treasures to future generations of their bloodline.Weird Wars Rome requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Source: Weird Wars: Rome

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #125 on: 04 March 2014, 17:30:02 »

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Falls and Rapids

24" x 30" Mat 1" squares on each side.Wet, Dry & Permanent Markers erase from the mat.White-Water Wilds!Whether your party is at the mercy of deadly rapids or is headed toward a plummet over a crushing waterfall, no Game Master wants to slow the action down by drawing every river bend and jagged rock. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing's latest Pathfinder Flip-Mat, you don't have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use and captivatingly detailed fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. Whether the heroes are in flight or pursuit, this double-sided combat map features rapids, rocky bends, misty falls, and ambush spots aplenty!Don't waste your time sketching when you could be playing. With Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Falls & Rapids, you'll be ready next time your players find themselves up the river without a paddle!
Source: Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Falls and Rapids

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #126 on: 04 March 2014, 17:30:02 »

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Wrath of the Righteous Poster Map Folio

Plunge into the AbyssExplore the corrupt terrain of the Worldwound, one of the most terrifying lands in the Pathfinder campaign setting, with the Wrath of the Righteous Poster Map Folio. Study the alien home of the demons, make a stand inside a doomed city or plot your crusade on three massive poster maps designed for use with the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path.Huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps depict the crusader city of Kenabre (the setting for the first Wrath of the Righteous adventure) and the Abyss-touched territory of the Worldwound. The third map is a giant player-oriented illustration of the Abyss itself, presented as an ink-and-parchment drawing of this other worldly realm of ultimate evil and its hideous denizens! Whether you're looking for an embattled but defiant city or a mysterious extraplanar realm, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.
Source: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Wrath of the Righteous Poster Map Folio

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #127 on: 04 March 2014, 17:30:02 »

Pathfinder Player Companion: Bastards of Golarion

Bad BloodUnlock the powers of your ancestors and combine the might of two worlds with Pathfinder Player Companion: Bastards of Golarion! Whether you're the abandoned progeny of elven royalty or the feared result of hag trickery, your lineage is both strange and storied, and you must channel the brawn and guile of your forebears to prove yourself to a harsh and uncaring world - no matter the costs.Inside this book, you'll find:Ten new heritages and alternative racial traits for half-elves and half-orcs - from the seafaring children of aquatic elves to the brash kin of desert orcs.Details and new character options for adventurers from the famous half-elven refuge of Erages and the half-orc port city of Averaka.Four character themes to represent bastards of all races and pasts, including the envied celebrity, the misbegotten illegitimate, the scorned outcast, and the neglected unfortunate.A slew of generation tables to inspire grim character backgrounds and determine the physical features inherited from non-human progenitors.New archetypes, feats, spells, magic items, traits and more for bastard characters of all walks!This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.
Source: Pathfinder Player Companion: Bastards of Golarion

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #128 on: 04 March 2014, 17:30:02 »

Adventure Path 78: Wrath of the Righteous - City of Locusts

The Last CrusadeThe heroes of the Fifth Crusade have risen to undreamed of heights of power and have dealt blow after blow to the demonic armies of the Worldwound. As they return from their last foray into the Abyss, however, they find that their enemies are no longer just sending minions after them - now they've drawn the attention not only of the leaders of the Worldwound, but even of their demonic patron, Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host. Permanently closing the Worldwound is within the heroes grasp, but in order to achieve their goal, they must venture where no crusader has ever returned from intact: the crumbling City of Locusts. There, they must defeat its powerful demonic ruler - yet even this is just a stepping stone to the final battle against Deskari himself!This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path concludes the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path and includes:"City of Locusts," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 18th-level characters with 9 mythic tiers, by Richard Pett.Suggestions on how to continue your mythic adventures after the campaign concludes, and what happens if the PCs fail, by Adam Daigle.A look into the cults of Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host, and their desire to bring on the apocalypse, by Sean K Reynolds.Death and theft in a demonic wasteland in the Pathfinder's Journal, by Robin D Laws.
Source: Adventure Path 78: Wrath of the Righteous - City of Locusts

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #129 on: 04 March 2014, 17:30:02 »


Blood & TreasureYour world is crumbling at the edges, pressed in on all sides by the savage and pitiless darkness - monsters and other evils that prey upon light and life. Most of your people huddle behind walls, convincing themselves that your civilization will persevere and conquer this land.But you don't have that luxury. There's naught for you in this world save blood and treasure. You've no inheritance, no dowry, no rich uncle, not even a job.You've come to this inn because you have no other options but to make your own fortune in this damned world. And it that means delving into ruins of a long dead civilization and slaying a dragon or two, so be it. At least you'll live it up before the end. And who knows? Maybe you'll carve out a stronghold of light against the vast, weird dark after all.So you're at this inn, looking for prospects, looking for a few companions to back you up, looking for a way out of this two-bit town...Based on the award-winning Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game, Torchbearer is a riff on the early model of fantasy roleplaying games. In it, you take on the role of a fortune-seeking adventurer.To earn that fortune, you must delve into forlorn ruins, brave terrible monsters and retrieve forgotten treasures. However, make no mistake, this game is not about being a hero or about fighting for what you believe. This game is about exploration and survival.You may become a hero. You might have to fight for your ideals, But to do either of those things, you must prove yourself in the wilds. Because there are no jobs, no inheritance, no other opportunities for your deadbeat adventurers. This life is your only hope to prosper in this world.
Source: Torchbearer

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #130 on: 04 March 2014, 17:30:02 »

Dangerous Covenants

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...The galaxy burns with the fires of war. Amidst the chaos of the Rebel Alliance's struggles with the Galactic Empire, a thousand minor conflicts go unheeded. With no one else to turn to, the wealthy and the downtrodden alike must collect their credits and employ the masters of mercenary warfare, the Hired Guns...Become the most dangerous soldier of fortune in the Star Wars galaxy with Dangerous Covenants. This rulebook expands upon the Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game, adding new content for Hired Gun characters as well as any character looking to dominate the opposition. Rule the galactic underworld, blow through blast doors to detonate enemy installations, and rain death onto foes from afar.This supplement rulebook includes:Expanded character options including Motivations, Obligations, species, and specializations.New, powerful signature abilities allow Hired Gun characters to rule the battlefield.Equipment and vehicles useful for any character looking for a fight.Guidance for Game Masters to create exciting combat encounters and integrate Hired Guns into larger campaigns.
Source: Dangerous Covenants

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #131 on: 04 March 2014, 22:00:02 »

Pathfinder Item Cards: Mummy's Mask

Tomb RaidersLost relics of past ages, the grave goods of forgotten pharaohs, and the regalia of desert kings are all found in this trove of treasures for use in your Mummy's Mask campaign. Each of this set's 54 beautifully illustrated, full-colour cards includes space on the back for players to add notes on their treasures. These Pathfinder Item Cards are designed for use with the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path, but are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.
Source: Pathfinder Item Cards: Mummy's Mask

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Burton Delvers
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #132 on: 04 March 2014, 22:40:32 »

My collection for Pathfinder is now complete all I need is some reliable players


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« Reply #133 on: 11 March 2014, 19:00:02 »

War of the Worlds: The Remains

A Savage Worlds Steampunk AdditionThe Martian invasion has left ruin in its wake, but mankind endures. In the Edwardian Era, the great national powers complete for the Remains - the valuable technology of the defeated Martians. It is a time of fantastical machines in a world of rising tensions. Agents from the major powers operate at home and abroad in their quest to gather Remains, meanwhile, Mars is not done with Earth - not by a long shot.
Source: War of the Worlds: The Remains

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
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« Reply #134 on: 11 March 2014, 23:00:03 »

Explorer:  Signature Abilities Deck

Travelling the endless worlds of the galaxy, seasoned Explorers have the uncanny ability to keep their bearings and stay on their toes no matter where they find themselves.This deck requires the Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook and Enter the Unknown. It includes 18 cards for covering both Explorer Signature Abilities and their upgrades.
Source: Explorer:  Signature Abilities Deck

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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