Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4710 on: 30 August 2017, 18:45:03 » |
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4711 on: 30 August 2017, 18:45:03 » |
Ghostbusters: The Board Game IITonight the City Will be Vigo's... Unless You Can Stop Him!Welcome back to Ghost-infested New York City, where there's a whole lot of pink Slime that's causing quite the stink! This "Mood Slime" is propagating all manner of crazy paranormal activity and Vigo the Carpathian, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia (also known in some circles as Vigo the Butch), is planning his big return to the physical plane. It's time to strap on Proton Packs, Slime Blowers, and new, experimental gear as you take to the streets in this customizable, cooperative, and highly replayable board game. Bustin' has never felt so good!Contents:60 Custom Plastic Mini Figures32 Snap-on Bases12 Double-Sided Game Board Tiles6 Dice90+ TokensPlayer, Entity, & Scenario Cards4 Experience TrackersGhostbusters Operations & Field Manual Source: Ghostbusters: The Board Game II
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4712 on: 30 August 2017, 18:45:03 » |
Lazer RyderzOnce again, we find our brave Lazer Ryderz, having encountered a grouping of Teleportation Prizms, left by Ancients of a bygone era. Each Ryder knows what must be done - coordinates must be locked into three Prizms to allow transport to their next destination. The Prizms' proximity alarms have engaged and the boundary is set! It's a race against time, and each other, to catch the Prizms before they jump to a new location in space. Who will achieve victory? Will the Galactic Waveryder make it first and continue his journey seeking the next great thrill, riding the biggest solar waves? Could it be the Lazer Shark; always on the hunt for her next prey, and seeking the fabled Blood Nebula to restart her species? Will our ever vigilant Super Sheriff continue to impart justice and order throughout the galaxy? Or will it be our Phantom Cosmonaut, the mysterious ghost of some long-distant era whose true quest is a mystery to those he encounters?Find out... in LAZER RYDERZ! Source: Lazer Ryderz
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4713 on: 30 August 2017, 18:45:03 » |
Terraforming Mars: Hellas and ElysiumSource: Terraforming Mars: Hellas and Elysium
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4714 on: 30 August 2017, 18:45:03 » |
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Ferengi Alliance ExpansionSource: Star Trek: Ascendancy - Ferengi Alliance Expansion
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4715 on: 30 August 2017, 18:45:03 » |
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Cardassian Union ExpansionSource: Star Trek: Ascendancy - Cardassian Union Expansion
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4716 on: 31 August 2017, 01:45:03 » |
Rory's Story Cubes RampageRoll all 3 cubes to tell titanic tales of colossal creatures. A non-competitive game for 1 or more players Works even better when mixed with other sets. Source: Rory's Story Cubes Rampage
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4717 on: 31 August 2017, 01:45:03 » |
Rory's Story Cubes ExploreRoll all 3 cubes to recount ripping yarns of perilous expeditions. A non-competitive game for 1 or more players Works even better when mixed with other sets. Source: Rory's Story Cubes Explore
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4718 on: 31 August 2017, 01:45:03 » |
Rory's Story Cubes StrangeRoll all 3 cubes to tell eerie tales of the unexplained. A non-competitive game for 1 or more players Works even better when mixed with other sets. Source: Rory's Story Cubes Strange
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4719 on: 31 August 2017, 01:45:03 » |
Rory's Story Cubes Adventure Time"What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME!"Which princess has the Ice King captured? Who has dropped the latest drama bomb? What adventures await in the Candy Kingdom? With Rory's Story Cubes: Adventure Time, you decide the story. Roll all 9 Story Cubes to create infinite tales featuring your favourite characters, places and junk. It's about time to get awesome Source: Rory's Story Cubes Adventure Time
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4720 on: 31 August 2017, 14:45:04 » |
Arkham RitualIn Arkham Ritual, you only have one card in your hand but you cannot see the card you are holding. Instead, you only see everyone else's cards.Players draw cards from the deck and pass them around. By looking at the other players' cards and the discarded cards, you need to figure out what you're holding. If you have the right card at the end of the round, you will survive the ritual. However, if you have the wrong card...the ritual will consume you and you will go insane!!Test your luck!Outsmart your friends!Deduce your cards!Will you be able to investigate the ritual and escape from it alive!? Source: Arkham Ritual
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4721 on: 31 August 2017, 14:45:05 » |
Tiny Epic QuestRelease Date Friday 1st September Source: Tiny Epic Quest
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4722 on: 31 August 2017, 14:45:05 » |
Star Wars: Rebellion - Rise of the Empire ExpansionSource: Star Wars: Rebellion - Rise of the Empire Expansion
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4723 on: 31 August 2017, 21:45:05 » |
Unicornus KnightsTHE KINGDOM OF ASTORIA HAS FALLEN!In a sudden and unprecedented move, Emperor Lionel of Legania and his dark forces moved in and conquered the peaceful kingdom. Only one member of the royal line survived. Princess Cornelia is young, without extensive knowledge of politics or military tactics, but she has a fire to retake her lands and restore peace to the people.As her knights, advisers, and more, your job will be to ensure that Princess Cornelia reaches the throne and defeats the evil Emperor Lionel. However, the Princess will not always make the wisest decisions as she moves across the map! Can you use your influence and power to clear her path, and ensure the kingdom is restored?Unicornus Knights is a cooperative game for up to 6 players. Take on the roles of heroes who protect the Princess using their unique abilities. The map is created randomly each game, so no two games are the same! And with varying "personalities" to use for the princess, Unicornus Knights will challenge you and your friends every time!Contents:28 character standees12 Dice139 Game cards31 Character cards24 Event cards24 Fate cards60 Support cards170 Game tokens20 Damage tokens100 Military tokens50 Resource tokens27 Location tiles Source: Unicornus Knights
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One
Karma: 5
BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« Reply #4724 on: 31 August 2017, 21:45:06 » |
ViralIn VIRAL, 2-5 players take on the role of viruses invading a patient's organs. Players compete to control zones in the patient's body, with the goal to gain the most Viral Points. Each round, players secretly select mutation and zone cards, place their viruses, and then wreak havoc upon the body and their opponents' viruses! With hilarious events and unexpected player interactions, VIRAL will entertain players until the final zone is scored.Components:1 rule book1 board5 player boards40 virus tiles8 zone tiles4 crisis tiles1 First player token1 Step marker5 tie tokens5 research tokens5 score tokens90 cards Source: Viral
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ