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Author Topic: Heretical Theories and Dubious Pseudo-Science!  (Read 2540 times)
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Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« on: 24 November 2009, 02:46:18 »

So, I have a few ideas and so on that would fit nicely, (and semi-canonically perhaps) as various theories of some of house Arabani's more eclectic scholars.

First up, as it's topical, Goblinoids.

The theory states that there are in truth only two natural forms of goblin. The True (or common) Goblin and the Dire Goblin (Or Bugbear as it is commonly known.)
Under this taxological model, the Hobgoblin is actually a Hybridised cross-bread. The Hobgoblin combines some of the desirable traits from both the others; The Predatory Cunning and propensity to violence of the Bugbear, and the quick mind and social tendancy of the Goblin.

Inevitably, there is plenty of disagreement of how and why the hybridising first happened. Some would say that Bane created the Hobgoblins, others that they are the inevitable result of the other two breeds of Goblin mingling, (as Bugbears often subjugate Goblin settlements through sheer size and bullying).

Secondly, there is a mildly heretical take on Lolth and the Drow Creation myths.
Now, I won't re-tell the whole thing but to sum up; The standard and most common myths on the fall of lolth and the exile of her people usually dwell on the idea that she attempted to overthrow Correllon, her husband, and failed. In retaliation, he curses the entire drow people, and transforms his wife into a hideous demon so that he won't be tempted to change his mind on the subject of banishing her.

This alternate version of the myth does not directly contradict much of the more common form, rather it differs in scope and interpretation. Essentially, it begins before the plot to over-throw, describing Lolth as more of a Cunning Trickster figure, (With her taking the Spider as her totem due to its patience, subtlety and cunning).

The main difference is perhaps that this additional section details Lolth's motivations, cheifly, that Correllon wronged her, either scorning her or outright being unfaithful. The tale suggests that far from being an unmotivated act that showed some elemental evil side to the goddess, she was infact merely out for revenge. The rest of the myth continues largely as in the other versions, with the plot being unsuccessful and Correllon cursing both Lolth and her chosen people, the Drow.

The other difference is the intended interpretation of the version of the Myth. Lolth, it suggests, is not truly mad. Rather, she is furious. She is, at the heart of it all, a wronged woman. Far from preaching disloyalty to Lolth, the alternate myth-form attempt to teach understanding, so that her commands and tenants of faith can be properly interpreted. A lot of the more self-destructive, irrational parts of Drow Society and Lolthian faith are made less troublesome under this lense of understanding.

It preaches not blind faith and obedience but an essentially more genuine form of faith. The Myth is traditionally used alongside other such legends of the early times, where the exiled Dark Elves are abandoned by their old pantheon and pushed out of the world they knew, to die in the darkness. Lolth, however, despite her rage and her grief, stood with the Drow and taught them how to survive and excel in the most inhospitable and dangerous of all worlds, the Underdark. She gave them eyes to see, and minds to outwit, and the steel in their bellies to properly deal with their innumerable enemies.

Essentially, those who subscribe to this view would be properly equipped to succeed in society, knowing not just the rules laid down by others, but the true reasons for them, and which ones are truly important. Importantly, though, perhaps more than many 'traditional' believers, they may worship not only out of fear or the potential gains, but out of genuine gratitude.

Likely, any that do so would not be prone to advertise the fact.
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