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Author Topic: Our Heros  (Read 3627 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 13 November 2009, 08:10:17 »

The company of the spire

Both sides against the middle

driven by hatred and revenge

Please post your characters names and a short piece of public background so I can split them into the three factions.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 13 November 2009, 09:15:58 »

Um. Yeeah. Anyway;

Commander of the Spire; Izzlin Dax s'Arabani. Drow Warlord/Swordmage.
Current Commander of the Spire. After a bloodless power-struggle, has become the undisputed commander of the Spire of (Xendroth?). A Ruthlessly pragmatic man, possibly known amongst local hobgoblins for being less abritrarily cruel than many of his predecessors.

Right Hand Assassin of the above; Maltana s'Arabani. Drow Assassin / Flutist
Often unnoticed, childlike flute player and perhaps one of the most deadly weapons at House Arabani's disposal. Utterly dedicated to both her brother and her house. Suspiciously nice on account of having led an essentially quite sheltered life.

Living-Dead Swordsman; Miklos Zyndram.  Revenant/Human Swordmage
Doesn't say much, doesn't move much. Eats sparingly, drinks if needed. Cold, dispassionate and gently brutal manner. He performs his duties to the absolute best of his ability at all times, however, and seems to have no problem with the idea of taking orders.

More details can be provided if necessary.

Also, I am not at all worried by the third of those faction titles. No Sir. Not even a little... '^_^
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #2 on: 13 November 2009, 15:13:58 »

heehee, yeah, no reason to be really Wink

Xhaere Vae'thaun, Female Drow Priestess/Avenger of Lolth

After leaving the Spire, she now seeks more information on the Lich and the whereabouts of her missing half-sister, wether to retrieve her or to kill her for being a traitor, who can say...

Llarai'el Vae'thaun, Female Drow-Cambion-Vampire Warlock

Having been co-opted by the Lich Yariel, she now seeks to win his trust, or at least waylay his mistrust, and so find a method of escape. After all, it's so boring here, and she keeps on having to run around the countryside hauling undead wizards up mountains...

Illyrial s'Arabani, Female Drow Shaman/Scout (i.e. multi-class ranger) and Alchemist

A quiet and thoughtful woman, she leads by example and doesnt seem afraid of getting her hands dirty. She has been treated as an outcast her entire life due to her strange blue eyes and then her spirit companion. She often wanders the Underdark alone, with only her spirit, a great blue-and-silver Bulette, as company. She searches for components for her Alchemical experiments and enjoys mapping new tunnels and routes through the Underdark. It is only within her House that she has a modicum of acceptance.She has a cordial relationship with her cousin, Izzlin Dax, and so she now finds herself at the Spire, where she has heard of many strange things happening recently...

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
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