Episode XIII – A victory the goblins defeated at least for now
As ever the experience and honour awards are per individual
Formulating a Plan
Discussions of what to do 10 +0
Telec coming up with a plan & every one else agreeing 20 +1
Further into the caves
Scouting – Thans 10 +1
Every one else 05 +0
Dealing with the crude pit trap Thans 05 +0
Discovering the Ogre in ambush (Thans) 05 +1
Bringing forth the Table fort of Doom 05 +0
Upgrading the table fort (Sondan and Lalia) 05 +0
Fighting the Ogre
Telec strikes a mighty blow 20 +5
Telec breaks the will of the goblin lord by words alone 50 +5
Thans finishing off the ogre whilst it was stunned 10 +1
Aetlred and Lalia for being in the fight 05 +1
Fawlit, Dvorn for being in the fight 05 +0
Sondan dodging certain death 10 +1
Slaying the Ogre 24 +1
Defeating the Goblin Sub chief his Bodyguard and Bullies
(Half the experience they are worth) 31 +1
Looting the leaders lair & pushing on
Lalia and the locks 10 -1
Lalia and Thans finding the hidden trap 10 +1
Recovering the loot from the Hidden Dell 10 +1
Scouting Thans 10 +1
Scouting Lalia & Aetlred 5 +1
Every one else 5 +1
Investigating the direction of the Goblins escape
Violet and Aetlred 10 +0
The journey back to the Hidden Dell & onto the Holdfast
Preparation and counter ambush drill – Violet Aetlred 20 +1
Preparations and counter ambush drill all else) 10 +1
Events at A’Rakham manor
Making an entrance to the Fair at A’Rakham 10 +0
Lalia spotting the pickpockets working the crowd 05 +0
Aetlred arguing the deal with Lord of A’Rakham 10 +0
Thans Telec and the Taxidermist 10 +0
The flourish with the Ogres head 10 +1
Deciding to leave the in when the “Grell” comments
about Nyassor where over heard 10 -1
Getting Bill out of the stables – Heradin 10 +1
Mission objectives achieved
Getting the captives and their stuff back to safety
All the player characters 50 +1
Every on else 25 +1
Defending the honour of A’Rakham Manor 50 +1
Every one else except Violet 25 +1
Clearing the caves of goblins 25 +1
Down time
(Whilst the others are training to level)
Nyassor exploring the area around Holdfast 10 +0
Americ desperately trying to commune with his god 10 -2
Violet helping to get the Holdfast up and running 10 +1
Nyasse – Liamar helping to get the Holdfast
up and running 30 +1
Heradin trying to learn the apprentice
& journeyman spells on Zildor’s Scroll 70 +2
Transcribing all three spells into his spell book 30 +1
General role play
All 50 +1
Telec being a good priest 15 +2
Dwarves are better award (Thans) 00 +1
Lalia being a good thief 00 +1
Aetlred being a good ranger 00 +1
Levels all the player characters are now Third level and all but Heradin who did so only reached this level due to the downtime awards for studying Zildor’s scroll & attempting to learn the spells on it are fully trained, Heradin is only trained to level two.
All of the NPC protégés with the company except Liamar are second level and fully trained Violet is still twelfth and the Strangers fourth level
Fame the players have not done any thing before worthy of gaining a Fame award but the return to A’Rakham and the display of goblin heads as well as the ogres has given them the beginnings of a reputation as hero’s so all of those present in A’Rakham get a Fame award of +10