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Inquisitorial agents and contacts
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Topic: Inquisitorial agents and contacts (Read 2372 times)
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Hard Rain
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Inquisitorial agents and contacts
23 September 2009, 05:03:56 »
Known inquisitorial agents
Briefing office Lyra Stell
The smiling face of the inquisition, as she is known A noble woman from Vorres appearing in her late early thirty's but defiantly over a century old as she owns the best Juvanat clinic on Vorres Prime as well as the majority of the planets hospitals and clinics. She is the reclusive Maravan Argus chief spokesman and liaison with the subsector Administration. She is also the individual who will brief & Debrief cells on particularly critical missions and will travel in her personal yacht the
Silver lady
to do so.
Master chief Orlando Weiss
Is an member of staff at the Vorres subsector naval HQ armoury in the Vorres system ageing grumpy and a bit too fond of the equipment he issues he is the person the Inquisition generally approaches for mission special gear and extra weaponry.
Apparently a simple pawnbroker in the metropolis of Nervan on Vorres prime but is in actuality one of the largest crime lords on the planet is apparently in some way related to Maravan Argus but no one living knows quite how.
Sylas Tull
Appears to work in an undefined department within the Ministorium building on Vorres prime and will be the teams usual briefing/ debriefing officer whilst they operate out of Vorres prime
Last Edit: 25 September 2009, 03:33:54 by Hard Rain
Q:- what do you do if a redhead is on the PULL!
A:- don't wear any thing she can grab hold of of course
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