Oh dear lord, the **** I've stepped into... The vampire heritage feat (bloodline feat) is interesting, but it's not all that relevant to the situation I now find my poor character in. Don't get me wrong, I love vampires, I'm just in sulking mode because there's nothing particularly cool about the kind of vampire she seems to be at the moment. I can't eat food anymore (which was something she enjoyed especially as a prelude to other things), seem chained to the lich's basement, have no pulse which indicates undead (and possible unpleasant side effects relating to blood flow) yet seem to have none of the fun side effects of being undead. I know I sound like I'm complaining an awful lot, my headache is making me feel somewhat grumpy.
Questions: Do I need to breathe? Am I immune to the relevant things which effect blood flow relating to a beating heart? Considering my sucky strength, how am I supposed to grab people to bite them? Use sex appeal and pretend I want to kiss them? (that being the most PC of things I could try) Which would only work once, if at all

Oh feck it, my headache is just getting worse at the moment, I need to go drink a large glass of water and possibly some tablets. Here's the Dhampyr's heritage feat, just for the hell of it.
Vampiric Heritage [Vampire Bloodline]
Prerequisite: Living humanoid race
Benefit: You gain blood drain as an encounter power. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to Perception and Insight checks to sense and recognize dhampyrs and undead.
Special: You are considered a vampire for the purpose of effects that relate to vampires.
Blood Drain
Vigor rushes through your body as you drain life energy from your victim
Encounter ✦ Healing
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One living creature you have grabbed
Attack: Strength +2 vs. Fortitude, Constitution +2 vs. Fortitude, or Dexterity +2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d4 + Constitution modifier damage, and you can spend a healing surge.
Increase to +4 bonus and 2d4 + Constitution modifier damage at 11th level; +6 bonus and 3d4 + Constitution modifier damage at 21st level.
Special: When you select the Vampiric Heritage feat, you determine whether you use Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity to attack with this power.
A rare crossbreed with several of the powers of a vampire and none of the weaknesses, a dhampyr is thought to be born of the union of a vampire male and a mortal female. The truth is that such hybrids are far more common than many folk think. A dhampyr can result from a vampire biting a pregnant female, as well as through more mundane means. Some offspring carry the spark of immortality in their veins for years, until the kindling of fate gives the spark a place to catch.