Three Dragon Ante
One of Arnu`s games, he does pick some good little games.
This game is played with good and Evil Dragons [can`t believe there are evil dragons]
anyway I played this last Friday night with 3 players and enjoyed it and I have to say the artwork on the cards is beautiful.
Each player ante`s up a card from their hand face down, when revealed the highest cards starts the round and this is also the value you have to pay to play, [the money goes in a pot] these cards are placed in the centre and the round starts.
You then play one of your cards and take the action on that card as long as you have played a card which is lower in value to the player before you, if it is higher the action cannot be played, this continues for 3 rounds and the person with the highest accumulated score wins the money pot, there are bonuses for playing 3 of the same colour or the same value cards, various nice and nasty things happen along the way, you loose and gain cards and money in various ways, once the pot is won you replenish your cards for another round, you can buy more cards [up to 4] and you do this by turning over the next card on the deck, the value of that card determines what the cost will be.
This continues until someone runs out of money.
I`m sure I`ve forgotten lots of rules but I enjoyed it.
I shall be playing this again at Raiders VIII no doubt [Arnu don`t forget to bring it