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Author Topic: Star Wars: Edge of the Empire  (Read 4504 times)
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Slight Inkling

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« on: 30 January 2013, 14:17:42 »

Wondering if anyone has tried this yet and if so then what were your thoughts?

Had a quick trial the other day back at Welsh Weyr (my game club in Wales) and got a general thumbs up from all, it is different in the use of those special dice but they oddly make it easier, no real maths involved for those that struggle with some of the dice table heavy RP's out there, there was a little uncertainty on the way you could fail but in a good way or succeed but in a bad way  Huh? But personally i thought that added to the RP part of game, as an example in our game one of the players fired at a stormtrooper while trying to escape and missed but in a positive manner, we decided that the result was that although his shot went wild as he was running down the street he instead hit an overhanging porch which flipped down between him and the stormtrooper, so although the stormtrooper was not wounded he was slowed in his pursuit of the player which allowed the player to slip around a corner and escape. Another time a shot seceded but in a seriously bad way, this we decided was that the stormtrooper was critically wounded but the noise of him collapsing in to a pile of barrels brought several more to investigate the noise and so joined the firefight. I think that without the good or bad dice, sorry forget the actual name for these, that it would be a simple miss and the stormtrooper fires back in the first example and a stormtrooper died in the second example. Hope these are good examples for you all and obviously the dice need some explaining for those that have not seen them. Check out the links on Fantasy Flight Games for more info.

Main game due soon:

Beginner game out now:

Hope this will bring Star Wars back in to the RP scene for us, i have ordered the starter set anyway so can run an intro soon if any interested  thumbs up
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 30 January 2013, 14:52:28 »

There was a Star Wars RPG released by Wizard of the Coast in 2000, and streamlined significantly in 2007 with the saga edition. There are a number of supplements for it too. All of this has me wondering what the Fantasy Flight version has to offer.

Your first impressions seem to indicate dice that have some kind of critical hit and miss rolls. This sort of thing has often been a homebrew rule tacked onto existing RPGs by certain GMs. Having special dice for it and being incorporated into the core rules may be controversial for some and pure fun for others.

Either way, i'm interested in the game and would like to know more. Ill see if i can make it to any demos you or someone else might run. On a side note, i think Arnu at Spirit Games was going to or did run the WoTC Star Wars saga edition at some point last year and may do so at some point in the future...maybe.  Coffee

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #2 on: 30 January 2013, 15:51:16 »

Indeed he was & I was up for it he was I believe going to be using the WoTC Saga version of the rules. I have not had a go at the Beta edge of empire rules or even had a look at them & special dice makes me a bit uneasy as they are a fine mechanic for a boardgame but a bit off the wall for a RPG - WHFRP 3rd edition confused the hell out of me and I have bee role playings since before AD&D came out. I also  collect RPG systems especially the more esoteric ones.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Slight Inkling

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« Reply #3 on: 01 February 2013, 22:04:40 »

Had my copy of this turn up today, will read through and bring it along with me next week to the Thursday RP night for any to browse and hopefully be able to answer more questions by then also *smile*
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