Yeah, as discussed, hybrid gives you a lot of potential to mix and match, but not everything will necessarily work. (this is why they've held off on it and are actually still working on it).
If you're going hybrid, make sure you've got at most two ability scores that you NEED to be good. It almost helps to think more in terms of the available class features you want to match, than the classes per say.
For example, swordmage / ranger, loses the swordmage warding ac bonus, but takes the ranger two-weapon fighting instead as it's hybrid power. add weapon proficiency for bastard swords, and you're now essentially dual weilding greatswords in a magical fighting style.
Worth keeping in mind needing various implements, possibly. Classes that allow you to sidestep that option when mixed together are good. I'm a little hazy on how some of that interacts, though.
If you have time, it might be worth running the numbers and simply seeing how a shortlist of options works out. I may even have a look for my own entertainment, based on your listed concepts here.

(Much easier making hybrids with the character builder, obviously)