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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« on: 08 September 2009, 02:08:32 »

by way of a birthday present to our stalwart players DAT & TIKI I will be running an extra evil session before the usual one on the 20th  

Having at great cost saved the Spire from nefarious goblins at least for now the surviving command staff and the Hobgoblin lord Vendrax seek to put the place in order before their foe returns or they go after whoever was behind the attack....

« Last Edit: 08 September 2009, 18:49:17 by zarniwoop » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #1 on: 08 September 2009, 17:52:00 »

I'm on holiday from 12th to 19th so i can make it to the session on 20th but not 13th.
You are of course welcome to phone me up for the length of the session if you want me there...i'll just be in Scotland.  Wink
I did however create a 2nd character as asked. A Lvl2 hybrid rogue/fighter goblin called 'Pricklehog' with Dungeoneering as suggested.

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #2 on: 08 September 2009, 18:51:35 »

I'm on holiday from 12th to 19th so i can make it to the session on 20th but not 13th.
You are of course welcome to phone me up for the length of the session if you want me there...i'll just be in Scotland.  Wink
I did however create a 2nd character as asked. A Lvl2 hybrid rogue/fighter goblin called 'Pricklehog' with Dungeoneering as suggested.
Blimey Charlie, that was quick.
I'm personally looking into a striker myself, perhaps we should see what kind of direction Stacey was thinking? Smiley
(I'm amused at the possibility of ending up with a sneaky hit-squad, tbh)
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #3 on: 09 September 2009, 14:08:42 »

Ok...after having a look at the combo class options, I may turn Xhaere (my current Priestess of Lloth) into a hyrid cleric/something, maye invoker or avenger or fighter...something. I think for my second character I may create a Drow warlock. I had thoughts of making it a Warlock/Invoker, but I think it might be pure warlock.

I just wanted to ask, I know the new tieflings are a 'race' all on their own, but I really liked the old version of them, for roleplaying reasons. The tiefling was part demon, but still born of another specific race. As a character, I'd want to make a female Drow Tiefling, 3rd ed style. Maybe she wasnt accepted into the Temple of Lloth because of her mixed blood, and is looked down upon because of it. Therefore she serves as a soldier/commander in the Drow military. She is after all MOSTLY drow, which makes he better than any other race, but not fully drow.

I'll make her a drow stats wise, but have her looks tiefling-ish for roleplaying?

If all that doesnt work, then she's just a Drow Warlock.

So, sneaky striker squad it is. We're just screwed healing wise.

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #4 on: 09 September 2009, 14:44:23 »

However, a Malediction Invoker/Infernal Pact Scourge Warlock could possibly be a very nice combination. The warlock would need a high Constitution score for attacks, and a high wisdom score....but both are possible with some luck. Since the malediction invoker needs a high constitution score to handle the damage it receives from some of it's own attacks....hmm She would be a Striker/Controller...yes, I think that would do very nicely....(creates character at lvl 2)

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #5 on: 09 September 2009, 17:31:15 »

OK I see eager, are not you all, is the only comment I can pass in general. Well fools rushing in where wise men fear to tread it is said. Grin

On specific the secondary all are fine I especially like the Tiefling and both sorts are possible BTW as the world you are in is not quite  the Vanilla 4th edition world if you haven't noticed. I willl have to think of something nice to give such a cool character concept, will have to think about that. 

Its a pity that DAT will be in Scotland but I think we can cope, Sad there wil just be less  less people to share the  PAIN Laughing 5 but next time  DAT you understand that you are to equip yourself so we can play by video conferencing or something or I get  Angryfire. & more  Evil

I will pop in and see you all this evening as I need at least one board game.

Evil Ginger

« Last Edit: 09 September 2009, 17:34:32 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #6 on: 09 September 2009, 18:42:34 »

lol, OK, awesome. So I get to make my Drow Tiefling. I'm now undecided about the gestalt (the Unearthed Arcana 3rd ed name for it) character thing. It's tricky combining these classes so that they're still cool, since you loose so much of the core classes, and have to take feats to improve. Unless you combine classes like Ranger/Fighter which have the same key abilities, it becomes tricky. The abilities need to complement each other. I'm struggling to make this gestalt character as cool as a pure warlock would be. There are certain class combinations that sound cool in my head, Like Invoker/Warlock, or Avenger/Swordmage, Warlord/Warder, Sorcerer/Rogue...but the trouble is that in practice you loose some of what makes each class cool and effective, and may end up just gluing together two bits that are too similar, or overlap. A sorcerer/rogue is awesome, and something I'd play easily, and without looking at the rules it sounds like a good match, but in practice it may not work at all.

So yeah, maybe someone like Tiki can help me with it, since he knows more about 4th ed than I do, but I may end up just making her a Warlock, maybe with a plain old multiclass feat instead.

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #7 on: 10 September 2009, 00:14:17 »

Yeah, as discussed, hybrid gives you a lot of potential to mix and match, but not everything will necessarily work. (this is why they've held off on it and are actually still working on it).

If you're going hybrid, make sure you've got at most two ability scores that you NEED to be good. It almost helps to think more in terms of the available class features you want to match, than the classes per say.

For example, swordmage / ranger, loses the swordmage warding ac bonus, but takes the ranger two-weapon fighting instead as it's hybrid power.  add weapon proficiency for bastard swords, and you're now essentially dual weilding greatswords in a magical fighting style.

Worth keeping in mind needing various implements, possibly. Classes that allow you to sidestep that option when mixed together are good. I'm a little hazy on how some of that interacts, though.

If you have time, it might be worth running the numbers and simply seeing how a shortlist of options works out. I may even have a look for my own entertainment, based on your listed concepts here. Smiley (Much easier making hybrids with the character builder, obviously)
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #8 on: 10 September 2009, 05:52:28 »

I will leave CTR gen advice in Tiki's capable hands until I get insider but I would be a bit careful with the hybrid thing until they finalise the rules because I feel it posible to create hybrid lemon/turkeys & I will make you play a lame duck if that's what you get. Well until your suffering bores me and I put the character out of its misery.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #9 on: 11 September 2009, 12:49:13 »

I don't believe you should compare a hybrid character to a mono-class. They 'won't be as cool' because they loose so much from class feats etc. but you get a unique class that i like to think of as neither X or X but class Y - something new and cool as itself and not the sum of its parts. My character might be a 'hired killer' class for instance that fights in the style of a rogue, but more aggressively like a fighter.

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #10 on: 11 September 2009, 14:41:03 »

I am inclined to agree with DAT especially until I have seen the Hybrid rules and worked out the implications there of. However having landed that bomb shell, I also agree with him that creating a unique one off character class would be cool even if the character you are playing is going to be its only member allowing your concept and role playing to define the class not the other way round.

I will go hence now before I agree with DAT a third time and terrible things follow....


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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