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Author Topic: A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...  (Read 15575 times)
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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #15 on: 30 July 2010, 00:17:33 »

Ooh go with the hat, not enough aliens wear hats. - Dont they know that's where you lose all your body heat?

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #16 on: 30 July 2010, 04:41:09 »

Cojo the Hornet, Trandoshan Bounty Hunter.

Vivid green scales and cold, electric blue eyes. Cojo is tall and lithe, with long strong limbs and a sharklike grin. The colour of his eyes marks him out as, if not quite 'high caste', at least someone who has had a vaguely auspicious birth. Consequently, he was humoured and treated well to a degree that not all Trandoshan children could count on. He has grown to be an adventurous and open minded individual with many unorthadox opinions and a strong set of very personal beliefs. Seeking to see more of the Universe, Cojo embraced the traditional emphasis on 'Jagganath Points' and the sacred hunt of the Scorekeeper as a way of finding a way to break free of the harsh confines of his home planet. He lacks any real conviction in his people's beliefs, but observes the main points on a purely cultural rather than genuinely religious basis.

Like many of his kind, he made his way in the Galaxy as a Bounty Hunter. The thrill of danger and the exotic locations it took him to appealed to him immensely, but it very nearly went horribly wrong during the early days of the Mandalorian War. Cojo, hard up and needing the credits, took a bounty that led him to a world on the front lines. A particularly vicious fugitive (A Wookiee Madclaw and leader of a small but budding criminal organisation) had gone to ground in the inhospitable jungle region that comprised the planets no-man's land. To avoid attention, he left his ship under the control of his astromech droid and night-dived from low orbit to avoid attracting the attention of either military force presently performing manouvers on the planet. Firing his Jetpacks at the last possible moment, he successfully managed to drop in unnoticed, but things soon went bad from there.

Whilst approaching the Wookiee Crime-lord's secret Jungle base, he was intercepted by a small patrol of Mandalorian warriors. The ensuing firefight was enough to warn the Wookiee Madclaw and even as the Mandalorians managed to pin the Trandoshan Bounty Hunter down, he saw the Wookiee's fighter taking off* from the compound. It was bad enough that the hunt had been unnsuccessful, but were the Mandalorians to take him alive, he would be unnable to return to his home, and all of his existing allies and contacts on Dosha would give him the cold shoulder. The only option seemed to be to escape the situation, or die trying, and that wasn't looking very likely.

He was saved from this Fate-Worse-Than-Death by the intervention of a small republic strike-force, sent to deny the Mandalorian scouts further intel and secure the Jungle Compound as a forward base. Forced out of position by engaging the Trandoshan, the Repiblic strike-force was able to make short work of the Mandalorians and the few Pirates, Smugglers and thugs left in the Wookiee crime-lord's base were quickly dealt with. Injured but un-captured, Cojo gratefully swore a life-debt to the optimistic young Jedi leading the team, and has worked along-side her throughout the rest of the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War and the intervening period of tense, dangerous time since.

He still does the occaisional bit of Bounty Hunting on the side, though. Pays well to keep in practice, after all.

*Insult to injury, the Wookiee escaped from the planet by stealing Cojo's own Ship, a heavily modified Dynamic Class Freighter named the Spiral Dragon.
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #17 on: 27 August 2010, 01:11:41 »

SO. That was a good session.
but with the sounds of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood ringing in my ears, (One of three tunes that I consider to be Cojo's theme-tune, along with Green Hornet and Canned Heat), I can't help but feel a little triumphant. We failed to rescue the Jedi insurgent, we failed to reach any kind of decision as to what to do with her, and have lost any real chance of the element of suprise.

But it still somehow feels like kicking ass and taking names.

Perhaps, just perhaps it's because I actually think that what I told him really is the case. He's a small fish, and I know it even if Brejak (sp?) doesn't want to admit it to himself. Perhaps because he doesn't want to admit it.

He's going to come out of this badly. In a very real sense, it's already over.

We've won.
He just doesn't know it yet.

Also, Cojo would like to make it known to Dr Ashka Renn that he's very sorry and could she please not hurt him too much.  Wink
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #18 on: 27 August 2010, 16:33:52 »

True Story - the L in Sameul L Jackson stands for Lizard. Wink
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #19 on: 09 September 2010, 01:08:28 »

A little pre-emptive message for our lovable local crime-lord;
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #20 on: 09 September 2010, 12:19:14 »


The Coopers is closed till 2pm today & then open for a WAKE. I would suggest that it would be a bit insensitive to try to run a game their in the middle of it.

I think we should either reschedule or adjourn to the Devi or similar

I also cant make it as I am on a catching up kick at the moment so will crash just before we are due to meet if past experience holds.

« Last Edit: 09 September 2010, 12:22:32 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #21 on: 09 September 2010, 13:08:01 »

Ok. It's really super easy enough to go into the Devonshire instead. And they sometimes have better seating arrangements.

Also. Bite it. Yeah... He's going DOWN

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #22 on: 09 September 2010, 17:28:56 »

Still awake shockingly but in no way caught  up yet.



seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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