That all worked rather well.
I ducked out of Space Hulk between 2 and 4 to play Ad Astra (a useful experience; it saved me spending £45 to discover that I don't like the game), but for the rest of the time I was playing or running Space Hulk downstairs.
Here's a couple of shots:

Roy and Vince:

I played Suicide (Mission 1) with Scouse first, moving on to each having a crack at Exterminate (Mission 2). Exterminate is far too easy for the Marines - even when I ganked Scouse's Sergeant *and* heavy weapon Marine in the first combat, his last man just sat at the end of a corridor and wiped out everything that came at him. Meanwhile on my turn at the Marines, I had two men left at the end including the assault cannon at the end of a corridor who hadn't fired a single shot (and therefore had the ammo in hand to comfortably dispatch 15 or more).
Suicide's a different kettle of fish. It's so hard for the Marines that I'd taken two 'stealer blips off them at the start and they were *still* winning quite comfortably.
We had a good session at the end, with everyone taking a turn at the 'stealers before using what they had learned to play the Marines, with the roles rotating through the three players.
Next time, I do one of the *huge* missions I think.