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Author Topic: dhcwargamesblog - Blog  (Read 117230 times)
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Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #45 on: 04 April 2014, 02:58:01 »

Very cool particularly like the fence in the fore ground of the Hommag


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #46 on: 04 April 2014, 08:48:51 »

Thanks Ginger. Definitely need to do more of those fences, but since I am not entering the terrain building in phase of this year, this should not be a problem!  Beer
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #47 on: 08 April 2014, 17:03:12 »

Just posted some pictures of my Bauhaus Hussars on my blog:


And a little pre-view:

(Sorry, the small pictures do not live up to it, but they pictures on the blogpost are clickable and will lead to full screen versions!)
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #48 on: 09 April 2014, 04:41:47 »

Any thing posted here was only ever intended by way of a teaser to get people to look at the main blog to do any more would be rather to steal the original blogs thunder.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #49 on: 09 April 2014, 07:56:26 »

Thanks Ginger! Great you see it this way, because I always feel that if I go through all the efforts of having a blog, it is always nice for people to actually go there on not just read the headlines in the news! ;-)

Anyway... there are some other news:

Just posted pictures of my finished 28mm river boards on my blog:

All boards are 50cm x 50cm and designed to be arranged on a modular basis.



P.S.: here is the usual pre-view (as always more clickable pictures on the blog itself):

Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #50 on: 12 April 2014, 19:42:59 »

Very impressive even if I would hate to have to fight across it as shown in the picture.

Having been bloging myself again lately about role playing shamefully I know what you mean knowing you have an audience can be really good for the morale & make all the single combat with Bloger layout worth it.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #51 on: 14 April 2014, 12:03:54 »

Well, I am pretty sure none will ever have to fight over it as shown here!  Grin

Blogging is a nice thing, but I inly find it worthwhile, if there actually is some feedback (of any kind). Otherwise it can really drain you!
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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« Reply #52 on: 14 April 2014, 12:23:08 »

Having popped over to the blog to check out the larger pictures of the River Boards and the Hussars I have to say I am impressed with the detail work.

I have never really tackled any model painting or set design, aside from the models for my RoboRally Game that EvilGinger had to effect some repairs and varnish. That said I can certainly appreciate the work of others and these are some excellent examples so I would dough my Hat (if I was wearing one) to you Sir, Well Done.

I have never tried the historical wargaming but I always get drawn to the tables at events like B&P and others as the detail that goes into the scenery is jaw dropping.

Thankyou for sharing a portion of your work here, please be assured I try and read everything posted here and I do find these posts interesting.
« Last Edit: 14 April 2014, 18:54:46 by Zarniwoop » Logged


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

14th brooklyn

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« Reply #53 on: 14 April 2014, 12:35:14 »

Thank you Zarniwoop, really appreciated!

There are so many aspects to this hobby and I think none of them are humble (and I personally think there are many possibilities in RoboRally!).

I am glad if work like mine can draw a few people deeper into the hobby! And i have to say the quality of the hobby is getting better by the day. Which is why I am probably redoing stuff (like the river) where I was happy with the layout a few years ago, because I see people doing better and I find myself thinking, that I want the same.  Roll Eyes

If you find the chance, go any pop in at the earliest post here. I think there is more than two years worth of posts before that.

Thanks again,

14th brooklyn

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« Reply #54 on: 14 April 2014, 13:51:43 »

I just put some pictures (along with my thoughts behind them) of my first two test pieces for my 28mm inner city ruins on my blog:

While meant for WWII, this should work for anything up to moderns or the more steampunk SciFi settings as well, as long as one can ignore the contemporary slogans and such.

The buildings are from Commision Figurines and the minis from Victory Force and Bolt Action (shown for scale).



P.S.: Here is the usual pre-view. As usual there are many more clickable pictures on the blog.

Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #55 on: 14 April 2014, 17:03:38 »

Very nice indeed and also nice that poor Zarni is cracking under the bombardment of cool wargames pictures  Wink

Most of the scenary he has seen is mine so not in quite the same league though he did pop into the first of the two Beer and Lard events and see Sid Roundwood of Roundwoods world's WWI trenches which are in the same league.

I will be posting more wargames stuff just as soon as I catch up but the harder I try at the moment the more needs to be done right now this minute.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #56 on: 14 April 2014, 21:11:23 »

I will do my best to draw him to the dark side!

And I am humbled that you even suggest I might be in a league close to Sidney Roundwood!  Beer
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #57 on: 18 April 2014, 15:58:47 »

So I am continuing my quest to build up my Bauhaus forces for Warzone Resurrection. This time it is Vulkan suits:

Up next are some Armoured Hussars.



P.S.: As usual here is a pre-view (with more clickable pictures on the blog itself):

14th brooklyn

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« Reply #58 on: 19 April 2014, 11:46:35 »

As indicated in yesterdays post, just posted some pictures, background and painting notes on my Armored Hussars, for Warzone Resurrection:


And the usual pre-view (more clickable pictures on the blog as always):

« Last Edit: 19 April 2014, 11:49:05 by 14th brooklyn » Logged
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #59 on: 27 April 2014, 11:38:39 »

So before I go into my painting hiatus for most of May, here are my Vorreiter for Warzone Resurrection:

I used them as a testbed for the hairspray technique, so I do not have to try it out on some WWII models for real.



And as always... a pre-view (more clickable pictures on the blog itself):

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