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Author Topic: dhcwargamesblog - Blog  (Read 116205 times)
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14th brooklyn

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« Reply #105 on: 10 September 2014, 14:32:10 »

OK, I finished my last minis for Bauhaus last night... tow squads of Etoiles Mortant, another squad of Hussars and extra Hussars for the existing squads:

The blog post also includes a post to the gallery, which will showcase all models together. 63 Infantry and 11 vehicles in total!

Enjoy! Burkhard

And the pre-view:

Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #106 on: 10 September 2014, 17:51:40 »

Really impressive old chap


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #107 on: 10 September 2014, 22:20:51 »

Thanks Ginger!
Burton Delvers
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« Reply #108 on: 11 September 2014, 18:17:07 »

I keep wanting to get back into wargaming but I look at my lead and plastic pile of loved but half painted stuff and reflect that I would need a ten day week and a heavy doses of amphetamines   Coffee to clear that and have time to play with any of it and have to resist  BangHead. Its still lovely to see that some one has the time to and makes such a good job of it.

I do get a bit jealous though I have to say  


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #109 on: 12 September 2014, 12:54:38 »

Thanks Ginger, but do be jealous. It comes at a very high price this year. I have been unemployed since January and there is no new job in sight. I have the big problem of having a university degree that is one of the two most highly qualified degrees here in Germany, but is useless outside Germany, of working in a field where there are ten times as many people on the job market as jobs and with six years work experience being told that I have too much experience for the beginner jobs and too little for the experienced jobs. I have also looked for jobs in the UK just based on the fact that I speak both English and German on a high level, but the only one you find are call centre jobs or hotel concierge.  Embarrassed
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #110 on: 12 September 2014, 17:56:37 »

Sorry to hear about the job situation and I hope it resolves in a good way soon, however in the mean time please keep up the lovely painting as if I don't get the chance myself at the moment its good to look at such lovely pieces of work.

Having had experience of UK IT call centres  I would personally consider working in them as less preferable to taking part in a full size live fire reenactment of Verdun on either side as they are horrific & you don't get to shoot any one for stress relief.

Take care & good job hunting


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #111 on: 14 September 2014, 18:13:17 »

Have bitten the bullet and bought some Imperial Stuff which is winging its way to me and I am now working out how to play it against you using something like Roll20 as a VTT. I also hope to get my local games shop to stock it.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #112 on: 15 September 2014, 10:30:18 »

Welll Ginger... glad to have drawn you in!  Evil

Imperial is a good choice (I actually have one mini on my painting table right now). Great minis and great rules, too. Did you download the rules and Imperial PDFs?

Would be interesting to play Warzone online, although with all the card and the like, I am not sure it ould be 100% workable?

Where are you exactly? You could also try their forum or their Facebook page to find someone in your region.

Alternatively, contact Rob Alderman... he is always happy for pointers to shops that have dropped beneath their radar!
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #113 on: 19 September 2014, 05:33:02 »

well I am in Burton on Trent just up the road from Spirit games and  I have the version one PDF which I am reading thought not having the rules it doesn't mean all that much. Cards can be done wit Roll 20 quite easily particularly as I have a paid roll20 account. I am playing with building decks for various Lardie games I like which use card driven activations.

I will post pictures of my poor efforts at painting Imperials when I get the chance & they make it through the post.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #114 on: 19 September 2014, 09:28:35 »

Hi ginger,

I have just shot you an eMail with the current version of the rules, FAQ and Imperial sourcebook... that should help!

If I notice someone in your neck of the woods, I will give you a shout!

Plus I am looking forward your minis.

I finished my first Trencher yesterday (not on my blog yet, so I am using the photos off Facebook):

Really like those Imperial minis. I think they will be a joy to paint for both of us!


Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #115 on: 19 September 2014, 15:00:38 »

Likely won't be half as good as yours especially with their cool bases


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #116 on: 20 September 2014, 19:43:11 »

amongst every thing else which I am doing I am reading through the rules downloads you sent me and I am rather liking the game as I read it much more to it than it looks and building you own hero is a massive plus to an dyed in the wool role playing addict like me


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #117 on: 21 September 2014, 23:37:44 »

I think it is a great system and you should like it!

They have revised the custom heroes rule. It is still a Beta but they advise players to use that instead of the version in the main rules. I will send you that file as well!
14th brooklyn

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« Reply #118 on: 22 September 2014, 22:56:15 »

Hi there,

so here are the latest minis painted for Warzone Resurrection, an Imperial Trencher Officer with Banner (inspired be the Scotish Referendum) and for the Dark Legion Valpurgius:



(As usual more and higher resolution pictures on the blog):

14th brooklyn

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« Reply #119 on: 24 September 2014, 17:17:12 »

Finally got to publish the report of our Warzone Resurrection game from 10 days ago:



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