Indeed it got seriously slagged off on the Lardie group here are some examples reposted for there.
Well, having finally located the offending portion of the podcast, let me first
off congratulate all of you for fighting through nearly an hour of poor audio
and idiotic banter to even hear it. My ears are bleeding, and their their
Brookhurst Hobbies commercial made me throw up in my mouth a little.
There's a word we have in the States for guys like the hosts of that podcast:
Douchebags. That simple.
... post a dislike to the episode and have a loom at the results
... 86%
dislike - it sort of tells them that they are more making fools of themselves
I have posted a comment that requires moderators sign off ... wonder if they'll
post it ?? I think they were laughing at "TwoFatLardies" but there's only one of them.
There's no distinction between the spoken Too and Two which probably highlights
the horizons of their wargaming world quite nicely.
and there is more, I tried to listen to it but the presentation annoyed me long before reaching the offending section so I cant comment on that.