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Five go to the space port Session 1a
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Topic: Five go to the space port Session 1a (Read 3073 times)
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Great Old One
Karma: 29
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
Five go to the space port Session 1a
28 June 2009, 05:53:23 »
Dramatis personae
Wednesday Vince ( not of this Parish)
playing a pair of recently sanctioned imperial Psykers on a half days shore leave from the D'jario free trader fleet to which they are assigned on the grim hive world of Khiros
The pair an unlikely pair of characters one closely resembling a slightly undersized space marine without his power armour on the other an ethereal looking figure both wearing the robes of initiates of the imperial cult which where ragged ill fitting and had seen much better days.
As the aforesaid odd couple wandered thought the crowds or rather stood on the moving walk way amongst the almost mechanical crowd as it passed between the 100 story blocks.
There was the sound of distant thunder a sound very much out of place under the steel sky of the Hive world Our tourists did not react but unlike the locals showed an interest and sought to move in the direction of the sound and investigate. This proved difficult and our inquisitive tourists had to walk on the barriers between the moving pavements to be able to move in the right direction against the direction of flow and narrowly avoided slipping and being trampled and crushed by the human heard.
As they got closer to the source of the thunder the going got even more difficult as it seemed that whatever was going on had scared the locals into a general stampede away from the area and a large crowd all headed in the opposite direction is a very scary and dangerous thing. Then it got easier for here the fleeing crowd had already passed leaving only its dead and dying on the eerily empty moving walkways.
Discovering that the thunder was actually cannon fire from a military walker which was systematically pounding the side of one of the massive Hab blocks with its cannon, at least until it was destroyed by a missile fired by some local soldiers who quickly took our tourists in hand
Last Edit: 29 June 2009, 22:06:29 by EvilGinger
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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