This slightly more complicated game than most and whilst the explanation was necessarily longer once we got down to playing it all started to make sense after the first round or two.
Players are controlling races trying to build cities as well as building up status in various cults, each race has its own unique abilities and bonuses. Each player has their own board which controls all aspects of their game which is quite neat.
Each round their is a specific goal which will earn you bonus VP`s, each race has to build on certain terrain so the first order of business is to terraform the landscape in order to build your city.
I really enjoyed this, it is not a short game but the time passes by without you really noticing as you concentrate on your plans. There is plenty of player interaction, some of which involve actually helping other players to score whilst furthering your own efforts.
It is not an easy game to summarise but it is great fun and a challenge to play and I look forward to trying this again with a different race.