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Author Topic: Citadels  (Read 2641 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 28 April 2009, 18:52:20 »

Starting with the player who is currently "King" each player in turn selects a role from a set of cards (Assassin, Thief, Magician, King, Bishop, Merchant, Architect, Warlord) these roles determine turn order and each has special roles within the game.

The aim is to get the most points which are gained by building various buildings which have different values. The game ends when the first person builds 8 buildings, then the person with the most points wins. Bonus are to be had for having buildings in multiple districts (there are 5 different coloured districts). Certain buildings have special abilities which aid you in a variety of ways. You build by paying the value of the building which can be 1-8 gold. On your turn you can take cards or gold and tax certain districts (1 gold per building) depending on the role you selected. Each role has a specific function they can do which allows you to do extra things on your turn.

I do enjoy this game and it is relatively simple to learn to play but the strategies take longer. Luckily for me I don't do strategy so blindly stumble through on a wing and a prayer

I would recommend this as a fun little game.
« Last Edit: 28 April 2009, 18:54:00 by zarniwoop » Logged


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