This game has been around for ages but did go out of print a while back then Avalon Hill reprinted it with a makeover and after another little hiccup is now available again.
This review is based on the 2nd Edition version not the Current Avalan Hill one.
The game comes with several Boards, metal robot figures and lots of cards and carboard tokens. The game is very well designed and looks stunning, especially if you take the time to paint the metal figures.
The robots of the factory are bored and have devised a race across the factory floor to help pass the time. The players take on the role of one of these robots and use a hand of program cards to select 5 instructions to their robot each turn to guide it around the board(s) to touch a series of flags in order. There are obstacles on the board, conveyor belts, cogs, pits etc. There is too much to describe and this game is soooo addictive it ought to come with a health warning. This was the first proper boardgame I ever bought and I have never looked backed, it is just FUN there is infinite variety with the various boards, you can enhance your robot with option cards during the game. The original game had various expansions that added new boards, obstacles and enhancements, sadly the reprint is only of the main game thought they have added in some nice new extras.
There are flaws in the game mechanics that can lead to a getaway leader but with house rules and experience these can be lessened or make no odds. I will always be willing to play a game of this and with a little Internet searching there are loads of homebrew gameplay variants, boards, enhancements that can add to what is already a wonderful game. If you get a chance to grab a copy then go for it.
Highly recommended game for all the family.