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« on: 24 January 2013, 02:00:03 »

Clear the Fog of War

The Dust Warfare FAQ Has Been Updated

The Allied troops and walkers had kept their distance for hours as the Axis and the SSU forces clashed a few blocks away. The noise of the battle had only died down over the course of the past twenty minutes, but the Allies were hoping to catch the beleaguered victor off-guard in the aftermath. Approaching quickly, the Allies halted at a bit of open ground at a traffic crossing. Nothing moved. Axis and SSU forces were scattered about the clearing, but every one of them was still. Then one of the walkers rose. At least they thought it was a walker, at first...The enormous Russian in the mechanized suit sighed wearily, dusted off his hands, and abruptly rushed the Allies with inhuman speed. The Allies had met the Winter Child.

The battle for Zverograd is at the center of the current conflict in the world of Dust, and the three factions are constantly refining their battle plans in the struggle to control the ruins beneath the city. Developer Zach Tewalthomas and the Dust Warfare team have been hard at work perusing war reports, and have updated the Dust Warfare FAQ! Zach gave us a brief summary of what you can expect from the update:

A Word from the Developer

Since the release of Campaign Book: Hades, the Dust Warfare team has been combing through the archives of player feedback in an effort to bring you the most comprehensive Dust Warfare FAQ to date.

Most notable to the update is the errata, which spans all three rulebooks. The Dust Warfare Core Rulebook sees some technicalities regarding the language used in certain special weapon abilities addressed, and Team is officially cemented as a special ability itself; Campaign Book: Zverograd receives a major update to its Air Cavalry special ability; and SSU players will be pleased to note that Campaign Book: Hades' super-heavy Karl Marx has received a bit of an Army Point reduction.

In addition to the errata, this FAQ addresses more new questions than any previous update. We take a look at the Hades Campaign, clarify the use of a number of special abilities, clear up issues surrounding multi-figure Soldier units on a single base, answer lots of questions about phasers, and much more!

Download your free copy from the Dust Warfare support page today, and get the answers you need to stay in the fight!

Dust Warfare FAQ (low-res pdf, 2.6 MB)

Dust Warfare FAQ (high-res pdf, 16.4 MB)


Source: Clear the Fog of War
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