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Deep One

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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 11 May 2009, 18:14:57 »


Now that is how to make a Star Trek Film, the casting is perfect and they are played in a way that is recognisable but the actors have put there own take on it.

It does use a plot element that is a personal pet peeve of mine with Trek but that said they used it perfectly and it makes what they have done with the franchise work. I am being vague so as to avoid spoilers and I really do not want to black out large bits of text for this review Grin

I am looking forward to sequels if they keep the balance and the writing as good as this one. There is a good, well balanced mix of Action, humour and character development which just draws you right into the story and lives of the people.

If only they had tapped this rich vein of writing for the shows we may have avoided some of the disasters but maybe we needed them to get this superb film.

No Doubt there will be Trekkie's and hardened fans bemoaning the fact the film does not follow this or that but I think how they gone about transitioning this to a new era works and in a way that Trek has never managed before. There are huge holes in the Trek universe canon you can drive a Boeing 777 through so I'm glad with how they deal with that and in the long run it will be better for the franchise.

I would love to see a series commissioned on the back of this film but I am certain, ultimately, this would be a bad idea as could easily fall into old habits so I am happy for this to continue as a film franchise.

Go see this film you will not regret it.


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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 11 May 2009, 18:23:55 »

Hurray! Ditto!

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« Reply #2 on: 13 May 2009, 14:13:15 »

I snuck out to see this yesterday afternoon and tbh, was not as smitten with this as everyone else seems to have been.

Yes, it was a good fun romp and it was certainly miles ahead of the car crash Star Wars prequels but it just felt unfinished with jarring plot handbreak turns all over the place.

By far the worst was the deus ex machina that got them into space (trying my best to be vague too since it's only just come out) was about as subtle as a the Bear in the Winter's Tale. And about as believable.

I did like the fact that it was both claiming a continuity but also laying new ground and the homages to Trek history were cute but isn't Trek supposed to be a bit more cerebral than the aforementioned Star Wars? Not sure this was.

Maybe I'm not the right audience for this being a kind of half fan of the original series (seen some but by no means the majority of the available cannon) so neither the wholly new fan or the dyed in the wool Trekkie either.

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« Reply #3 on: 21 May 2009, 22:58:59 »

Well I got chessed off today, so went to see the film this afternoon instead of doing work  nono

I agree how the crew end up in space is a little poorly scripted and as normal some of the physics is lacking (see vulcan planet and film ending for details)

I like to links back to the 60's etc  (short skirts on uniform's, orion slave girl, hand held comm's, McCoy's Damit I'm a Doctor not ...

One question, did anyone else think on the bridge to outside of the Enterprise panning shot it made it look like the bridge is upside down under the saucer section?

If you think of the movie as a reimagined trek a bit like the Battlestar then its done an ok job.

When I first watched the BSG pilot I didnt like it, but starting to watch season 1.  I had to go back to the pilot and like it a lot.

I think with another movie this could get better and its nice to see the return of some trek on the screens, but Khan still rocks as best movie  not worthy

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