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Author Topic: FFG:Create Planets, then Exploit Them  (Read 1453 times)
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« on: 18 January 2013, 18:00:03 »

Create Planets, then Exploit Them

Stars of Inequity, a Supplement for Rogue Trader, Is Now Available

“Countless worlds out there. All of them brilliant, shining things of inestimable value. And all terrible in their own right. I’ve seen burning storms rip across oceans of roiling pitch. I’ve seen a beast half the size of a voidship swallow islands whole. I’ve seen whole jungles suspended from the ceilings of caverns the size of a hive city. There is no end to this galaxy’s grandeur or terror. It just goes on and on and on...”
           –Navigator Silvus Ergos of Saint Annara’s Embrace

Stars of Inequity, a supplement for Rogue Trader that presents tempting new opportunities for those brave few who make their livings in the Koronus Expanse, is now available at your local retailer and on our webstore!

Stars of Inequity is a detailed resource that focuses on the perilous worlds of the Koronus Expanse. Game Masters can create their own new realms with the World Generator, a system designed to craft unique planets filled with terrible risks and unmatched potential for profit. Players can brave the dangers of planetside missions, crossing the surface of shadowy worlds to explore deadly jungles, ancient ruins, crashed voidships, and more. And with the Colony Creation rules, your group can construct, expand, and control its own outposts on the lost and forgotten worlds of the Expanse!

Expanding a Vast Realm

For more on Stars of Inequity, here’s a word from lead developer Max Brooke:

The most miraculous part of a Rogue Trader's lot in life stems from the ability to travel freely—not just within the bounds of the Imperium of Mankind, but beyond the Emperor's Light as well. The Navis Primer covers the journey through the spiraling delirium of the Warp, and Stars of Inequity is about the destination: the countless worlds of the Koronus Expanse.

Stars of Inequity is a guide to crafting encounters and experiences within the vast realm of the Koronus Expanse. It features the World Generator, a system that allows for the rapid generation new regions of space and the individual worlds within them, as well as rules and inspiration for challenges in unique locales on these worlds. These rules are designed to help Game Masters and players journey together off of the beaten path, and into the unknown.

Another major feature of Stars of Inequity is Colony Creation, a set of rules for Explorers who wish to establish their own colonies in the Expanse, all in the name of vast financial gain and, of course, the God-Emperor. The Colony Creation rules allow Explorers to personally manage the infrastructure of their ventures or leave them in the hands of trusted Representatives while they journey on to new stars, new worlds, and new dangers in the 41st Millennium.

Stars of Inequity is full of possibility, peril, and, of course, profit. I'm very excited to hear about the new worlds, adventures, and stories that people use it to create.

Delve into the the unknown to discover the shrouded corners of the Koronus Expanse. Head to your local retailer for your copy of Stars of Inequity today!


Source: Create Planets, then Exploit Them
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