Announcing The Descent Quest Vault Open BetaA Free Descent Quest Editor Is Now Online
The realm of Terrinoth is one of adventure, heroism, and peril. Scattered throughout its darkened forests, desert sands, and mountain peaks lie ancient ruins and forgotten tombs. Remnants of a bygone age, these myriad dungeons are home to sinister forces that plot the destruction of all that is good, as well as powerful artifacts, priceless treasures, and untold adventures. And now, Terrinoth's adventures are as limitless as your imagination.
Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the open beta of the Descent Quest Vault, a totally free online tool for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition that allows you to create your own epic Descent quests, then share them in a worldwide library of user-generated content. Infinite adventure awaits, so log in to the Descent Quest Vault beta now!

Click the image above to see a video overview of the Descent Quest Vault. You can also view it on YouTube.
Create Your Own Epic Adventures
Our intuitive suite of online tools lets you create encounters and quests (which you can then link together as campaigns) for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition. Easily add in components from the base game, Conversion Kit, Lair of the Wyrm, or multiple copies of each, then add in the narrative and instructional text necessary to bring your creation to life.
An Open Beta The Descent Quest Vault will be in the beta stage for the next few weeks, as we gather feedback and improve its functionality. - Mobile devices are not supported at this time.
- Currently, the Quest Vault beta is only compatible with Safari, Chrome, and Firefox web browsers.
- We have no plans to delete existing user content when the beta period ends.
- We invite all users of the Quest Vault open beta to offer feedback by posting on our forums or by emailing us directly at
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When you’re ready to play, simply export your quest as a pdf file and print it off. Best of all, as FFG releases more Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition content, the Quest Vault’s capabilities will grow!
Share Your Quests, and Experience a World of Adventure
Once you’ve put the finishing touches on your creations, you can easily publish them to the Quest Vault’s online database to be enjoyed by a worldwide audience. The system automatically saves each version, allowing you to edit your existing projects while still retaining past iterations.
What’s more, everyone else’s published quests are available for quick browsing, with the highest rated quests (judged by a simple “like” system) appearing in the “Top Rated” list. You can preview each quest and its synopsis before printing it out, helping you to find only the quests that appeal to you and your playgroup!
Two Official FFG Quests Are Already Available
Want to begin playing right away? We’ve started the Quest Vault off right with two official quests by FFG’s Descent Second Edition design team. Enjoy them with your playgroup this weekend, or use them as inspiration for your own upcoming creations.
Splig, the comedically rotund lieutenant from the base game, is at it again in “The King of All Goblins.” This two-encounter quest begins with a dire warning from Baron Greigory: Splig is attempting to unite the goblin tribes and claim the Throne of All Goblins! Despite the improbability of this bumbling egomaniac succeeding, the potential consequences are too horrifying to ignore. In the first encounter, the heroes must intercept the various goblin chieftains as they travel to a parley with Splig. Then, in the second encounter, the heroes must face Splig and his newfound allies in an attempt to smash the Throne of All Goblins once and for all!

Those looking for a somewhat less lighthearted tone should download our second official quest, “From the Ashes.” This sizable single-encounter quest throws the heroes into the action en medias res; they wake up surrounded by the burned remains of an unfamiliar structure, unable to remember how they got there! The heroes must quickly gather their wits and work together to gather clues, as they struggle to discover where they are and how they got there. Oh, and of course there are the monsters to contend with...

These two inaugural quests are only the beginning. Head to the free Descent Quest Vault now, and enter a whole new world of exciting adventures in Terrinoth!
Announcing The Descent Quest Vault Open Beta