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Author Topic: Vampire the Requiem  (Read 13493 times)
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Burton Delvers

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« on: 07 April 2009, 16:20:48 »

So, any tentative date upon which I should begin?

One feels it would be wise to have a character creation session/human into, just so that we can all sit around and discuss character ideas and set them down upon the sheets.

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #1 on: 07 April 2009, 18:35:22 »

Maybe it'll be Andy's-joints-friendly to do it on Thurdays when Serenity isn't running?...Me like. Me in.

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #2 on: 07 April 2009, 19:08:39 »

Sounds ok to me, but when is Simon's 4th ed thing going to be then? fridays? And how do I get to know when the next 4th ed Raven Queen thingie is then?

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #3 on: 07 April 2009, 19:29:34 »

To be announced. Basically, I'll sort out a regular date (Probably various fridays) after this week. (Between being called in to work, and not wanting to destroy andy with dice, not to mention spirit being closed, I'm going to skip running it this week, but probably race on with it (should only be a relatively short thing, in theory) the week after.

Depending on how much we're taking phil for granted, it may be worth looking in to other possible venues, but for now, I'll just say - Talk to you all on wednesday.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #4 on: 07 April 2009, 19:35:48 »

aha, ok. speak more tomorrow then ^^

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers
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« Reply #5 on: 08 April 2009, 01:38:18 »

There is not going to be  Friday night Magic at spirit games on Friday 17th as far as I am aware owing to a potential race day that week end  so the following week would be a better bet as for venue I don't think Spirit will be viable if we regularly get 14+ Magic players so I would offer my place as it would encourage me to keep the debris level from getting out of hand and it will be relatively tidy after this Sunday.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #6 on: 02 September 2009, 12:58:51 »

Hmm, since Dat originally said 'me like, me in' in this thread, then didnt show up...makes me a teeny bit confused.

Anyway, I just want to check if it's still going down like we planned this thursday. Job interviews allowing...

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers
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« Reply #7 on: 02 September 2009, 16:25:33 »

If I am good and have done my Recipts for Friday I may drop in for a bit as Vampire is always a draw with me.

And the warm up run was very very good


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #8 on: 30 September 2009, 16:15:27 »

Okay, just wanted to know some details about times and so on for my game. Should it become a fortnightly game? Is everyone going to make it for tomorrow's game? Just any input in general would be awesome Smiley

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #9 on: 01 October 2009, 17:24:52 »

Any input?  Grin I'll not answer your questions because i like to let everyone else make the decisions. I am however coming to the game as of writing about 2 1/2hrs from now. - If you really want to know...'Cos it's really interesting. Fascinating. Yup.

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #10 on: 01 October 2009, 17:33:41 »

Really? well, thats some nice imput from a man of few words Cheesy

Reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, thats a hell of an achievement anyway.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #11 on: 10 October 2009, 22:35:50 »

I'm not sure if anyone has put anything anywhere else but I thought I would ask here.

What do we want for our base of operations?

Do we use Johnny V's place as and convert it in to something we can use?
Or maybe we could find a small abandoned hotel and make it defendable and light proof.

I think we need to decide what we need the most?

Morgalahan, what were the three things we can spend dots in to build a haven?

Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #12 on: 10 October 2009, 23:32:14 »

Location, Size, and Security. We basically could do with no less than 3 dots of size, and location is hard to add to after the fact. Smiley

I do remember Morgalahan saying that, should you sell your place, the resources could be, possibly, cashed in for 2 or 3 dots towards this.

3 dots of size would get us a 5-8 room house, which is enough for a room each and amenities. A full on Angel sized hotel would probably be 4 or even 5? We could very easily stretch to a run-down manor or an old Motel/B&B kind of sized hotel, perhaps?

Obviously one with a basement, especially in the short-term, would be good.

Personally, I'd suggest we go for at least 3 or size, and maybe 1 of location (more if we are all buying a Dot AND selling your place), and worry about security in the mid to long term? Someplace with a Garden would be a good idea, if we're adopting a puppy... Wink

For reference, I think M' said that ranks in haven, as a merit, would merely cost 2x new rank, so if we each pitch in a dot, then we've plenty to work with, (though the actual finding, planning, and executing of all of this will need roleplaying, obviously.)
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #13 on: 11 October 2009, 00:51:21 »

So if Johnny V sells his place then we can trade that in to cover the dots for size (ideally 3 dots worth)

Then we need to focus on how much we need for location then security (the most logical)

I can't contribute anything from this session (as I have no experience points - due to my diabilerising) - but I can contribute to security after next session.

My chatacter may need a safe house or bolt hole (as I maybe a security risk - curse my black veined aura)

So I'm guessing to start with in priority order (Size 3, Location 2/3, Secuirty 1/2)

Burton Delvers
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« Reply #14 on: 12 October 2009, 00:09:39 »

I'll go along with anything - I am quite prepared to leave my rent arrears behind (in the game), no questions asked.

It would be best to be somewhere in the heart of the city I think, near to the centre - perhaps near the Louisiana Superdome, or further south in the Arts & Warehouse district. Loads of bars, sports and people milling around, which should make for good hunting.

Locationwise - I think an otherwise unattractive building will do. Warehouse, abandoned flophouse etc.. will do for now. Later on once we have perhaps built more resources together. Primarily it needs to be safe.

I am easy where you wish to go - I won't be able to get to the session for two weeks, so I will have to go along with what you want.
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