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Author Topic: SG: New Board Games at Spirit Games  (Read 1751 times)
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Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
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« on: 10 January 2013, 01:00:06 »

Spirit Games Website Whats New for Games
Overview   :   Spirit Games, supplying gamers with board games, card games, roleplaying games, d20, wargames and miniatures, for 20 years.
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Mr. Madison's War: That Incredible War of 1812
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Mr. Madison's War, the Incredible War of 1812 which was an off shoot of the Napoleonic Wars, has two player fight out the entire War of 1812 on the critical northern front. It uses strategy cards to simulate events on the high seas and in other spheres of influence that affected the war against Canada. Movement is point to point, based on Mark Herman's award winning system utilized in such games as For the People and Washington's War.

As the British player you will have to defend a long slender front which is in effect the supply line. No other war in history has this peculiarity, and the British cannot perform a defence in depth. As the American player you will attempt to martial your forces against a small but highly trained and disciplined British army aided by Native Warriors and Canadian militia.

This was one of America's most unpopular wars, and the US player will have to make do with poor leadership in the first year, and a civil populace that was decidedly hostile to the fighting of it.

Both sides will have to construct navies to take control of the Great Lakes in order to aid their land forces. The Naval War on the Great Lakes is almost a game unto itself, and players will be able to construct and manoeuvre individually named historical vessels such as the Corvette General Pike and the mammoth Ship of the Line St. Lawrence.

The main objective of the game is capturing enemy territory while preserving your own. The 110 strategy cards are divided into three decks, one per year. They insure that each and every game will be quite different than the previous one, and should provide hours of enjoyment.

Game Contents:

22x34 inch Full Colour Map
1 and 1/2 Countersheets
110 laying Cards
Four Full Colour Player Aid Cards
Full Colour Rulebook
Full Colour Playbook
Two Dice

Galaxy Trucker Anniversary Edition
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Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition contains everything a true trucker needs (and perhaps a bit more), in one complete box. Here you will find the components of the Galaxy Trucker base game, both big expansions, and a handy plastic insert to keep everything organized. You will also find a list of technologies from each of the three games, along with their descriptions, all on a single reference sheet.

...and, as a bonus, a set of five "even-steven" cards providing interesting handicaps and advantages - players of different trucking skills can compete together as they haul their goods throughout the galaxy.

...and, did we mention, a nice coloured comic book telling a thrilling tale from the life of a Galaxy Trucker?

Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition - the biggest package of fun and destruction one could ever wish for.

Galaxy Trucker Components:

1 Flight Board
8 Two-Sided Ship Boards
60 Adventure Cards (20 in each level)
64 Cosmic Credit Pieces in Various Denominations
144 Space Ship Components (including 4 starting components)
4 Numbered Tiles
40 Grey Astronaut Figures
8 Alien Figures in Two Different Colours
8 Rocket Markers in 4 Colours
36 Battery Tokens
56 Goods Blocks in 4 Colours
1 Two-Sided Card with Rules For Rounds II and III
2 Dice
1 Timer
Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion Components:
7 Two-Sided Ship Boards
6 Bonus Adventure Cards
24 Evil Machination Cards
25 Rough Road Cards
5 Alien Specialization Cards
20 Cosmic Credit Pieces
12 Loan Tokens
42 Space Ship Components
1 Numbered Tile
14 Plastic Astronaut Figures
7 Plastic Alien Figures
2 Plastic Rocket Markers
6 Battery Tokens
8 Goods Blocks in 4 Colours
1 Rulebook
Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion Components:
10 Two-Sided Ship Boards
42 Space Ship Components
19 Cosmic Credit Pieces
32 Adventure Cards
5 Cards For The Big Expansion
18 Support Team Members With Cards And Tokens
1 Round IV Rules Tile
1 Rulebook

Dino Hunt Dice
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How many Dinosaurs can you catch?

Roll the Dino Hunt dice and see!

In this quick game, you're capturing dinosaurs for your zoo.

Roll the dinosaur picture, and you got him. If you get the leaf, the dino is hiding in the jungle, and you can try again. If you get a footprint... you're STOMPED!

Push you luck to catch as many as you can, but stop rolling before you're stomped three times, or you'll lose them all.

Purge: Sins of Science
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In the distant future, unexpected terror arises from unintended consequences as three factions battle for dominance and survival. From across the stars a great threat descends upon Earth. The Machine Horde - relentless in its determination to consume and expand - now threatens to exterminate Mankind. The Ancients, hyper intelligent beings of unknown origins, manipulate the schemes of both Human and Machine to achieve their mysterious machinations. All that now stands between annihilation and survival for the Human race is the Emergency Earth Coalition - a fragile unified human government rooted in fear and subjugation.

Choose your Faction Commander and lead your armies to total war.

The purge begins.

Flame War
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In Flame War, each player takes the roll of a power hungry forum moderator trying to control conversations on the internet.

Good luck with that.

Add to threads, flame your friends, and when the time is right, close down threads to exert your awesome moderation powers in this fast and freewheeling game by renown British game designer, Andy Chambers.

Flame War is for anyone who has ever participated on an internet forum, as well as anyone who reads this much text on the back of a box.

Space Empires: Close Encounters Expansion
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Space Empires: Close Encounters is the first expansion to Space Empires: 4X. Alien races meet up-close as they encounter each other for the first time in ship Boarding Engagements and planetary invasions with four different types of Ground Troops. This expansion takes advantage of the streamlined nature of the game system to add more technology and cool sci-fi details in very simple ways. While it is designed to be used as a whole, the expansion is modular, and players can choose to use only the parts that they like.

The strengths and weaknesses of each alien empire are brought out with 25 different Empire Advantages. Also included is an Experience System so that your ships become more proficient over time. There is a big benefit if you can keep your ships alive! This expansion adds more counters of each ship type to accommodate groups at different experience levels. Military Academies in your empire can give your ships a head start in accumulating experience. Titans, super large ships beyond dreadnought, make their appearance and can carry both fighters and can destroy planets, but have liabilities too. Unique Cards can be gained by conquering the non-player Alien planets. Facilities built on planets, Flagships, React Technology, and much more are all in this game expansion.

Many new scenarios have been added to the game. Solitaire Scenarios include a different alien empire solitaire scenario, and also a new kind of scenario where a player can attempt to fight off an invading mass of Space Amoebas.

The game system is exactly the same, but more awesomeness has been added.

Game Contents:

3 New Counter Sheets
4.5 Counter Sheets (counters from the original game in the thicker format)
25 Racial Advantage Cards
30 Alien Technology Cards
Four cardstock Fleet Displays
One cardstock Battleboard
4 Reference Cards, 2-sided
Production pad without facilities
Production pad with facilities
Rule Book
Scenario Book

Borodino: Napoleon in Russia, 1812
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Borodino was fought near Moscow on September 7, 1812. The battle was a French victory, but a strategic defeat. Losses were terrible on both sides, but the Russians were able to replace theirs. Unable to impose peace, Napoleon was forced into a disastrous winter retreat back to France.

You command Napoleon's Grand Armee or the Russian Imperial Army. The French player has several possible lines of attack and the Russian player must try to counter them all. To win the game you must outperform history.


Colour Map
110 Wooden Blocks
Orders of Battle
Game Rules
4 Dice

Nations in Arms
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Nations in Arms: Valmy to Waterloo brings one of the most famous periods in history to your gaming table: the French Revolution and the legend of Napoleon in Europe. Great nations led by men shall sweep across Europe as they vie for control of the continent. The rich history of the period comes alive in this epic game spanning a twenty-four year period of the Napoleonic era.

But this isn't simply a wargame. Players will be faced with multiple challenges to their leadership skills including strategic management of their national production, international diplomacy, historical events, in addition to the prosecution of war. Players will need to do all this capably to ensure their nation is triumphant.

With 80 Historical Event cards and 30 different Tactical cards included in the game, Nations in Arms will never play the same way twice. But this is not a card driven game; the cards enhance play, providing an historical backdrop and flavour to the game. The game systems emphasize the military importance of lines of communications, command and control ability of skilled leaders, quality of troops over sheer quantity, and the impact of war, epic sieges and attrition on nations and their forces. You will have the power of great leaders at your fingertips and the might of the forces they command.

River Dragons
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Build bridges, jumping from one to the next, and be the first to cross the Mekong. But beware of those pesky dragons!


1 double-sided board
6 Player Pieces
36 Numbered Planks
27 Stones
78 Cards

Against the Odds: Guns of Askari
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Truly the Forgotten Campaign of World War I. From the opening guns, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's plan for the war was quite simple. Knowing that East Africa would only be a sideshow, and knowing escape and reinforcements were both impossible, he determined to tie down as many British troops as he could, for as long as he could.

He succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination.

Depending primarily on his "Askari," well-trained and highly-motivated African soldiers who were better able to endure the climate and diseases, he conducted what some have called the greatest guerrilla campaign of all time, filled with historical events which sound too unlikely to be used for movies.

Heavily outnumbered from the opening days of the War, the Swahili-speaking German commander only surrendered after being informed of the Armistice on the Western Front.

Few "Against the Odds" situations lasted as long or ended as successfully as the East African Campaign. And now, you can see the whole operation from the inside out.

Designed by WWI game specialist John Gorkowski, Guns of the Askari features 280 half-inch full-colour counters that represent forces as varied as rifle companies, armoured cards, naval units for oceans or lakes, and the supply units on which both sides depended. There are even artillery units back-printed with the other side's colours, so that they can be captured and used again.

The game offers four different scenarios, from the complete campaign to the 1918 guerrilla operation and two periods in between. Combat mechanics change as the nature of the conflict evolves, and each turn has a variable end point.

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Perigon is the brand new two-player strategy game. The word "Perigon" means a 360 degree angle. Set up the unique board and you'll see why it was chosen, as you quickly get drawn into an enthralling world of angles and edges requiring all-round foresight and tactical imagination.

The richness of the game play means every battle will be different. Luck plays no part - only the cunning and clever will plant the Flag on the far goal line and win.

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England during the 16th century: Queen Elizabeth I rules without an heir. The nobles compete for the Queen's favour.

You are members of the British aristocracy and try to achieve influence and prestige for your family. For this purpose, you extend your lands and build palatial structures. With political skill, as well as bribery and exploiting scandals, you compete for crucial titles that are awarded during masquerade balls. After 3 decades, the player who has the most victory points will be held in the highest esteem by the Queen and win the game.

Noblemen is an easy to learn strategy game that cleverly combines new and proven mechanisms.


1 Game Board
5 Player Screens
12 Titles
202 Land Tiles
20 Bribe Tokens
5 Tax Tokens
5 Acquire Land Tokens
82 Money Tokens
35 Scandal Cards
10 Overview Cards
15 Castles
15 Chapels
12 Palaces
4 Follies
1 Queen
10 Men-at-Arms
5 Prestige Counters
5 Victory Point Counters
1 Decade Counter
1 Round Counter
1 Bag
1 Rulebook

Legends of Andor
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Adventure Awaits You!

The land of Andor is in danger. From the forests and mountains, King Brandur's enemies have mobilized their forces and began their march toward the castle. Only your band of heroes stands in their way. Can you prevent the monsters from overrunning the castle?

Legends of Andor is a cooperative board game for 2-4 heroes who must work together to defend the realm from the invading hordes. To secure Andor's borders, the heroes will embark on several quests. Along their journey they will seek out the ancient dragon. Uncover these tales of glory as you live the Legends of Andor.


1 Double-Sided Game Board
4 Hero Boards
1 Merchant Inventory/Battle Sequence Board
72 Large Cards
66 Bridge-Size Cards
41 Plastic Stands
8 Hero Markers
28 Monster Markers
7 Additional Markers
1 Cardboard Tower
142 Cardboard Tiles & Tokens
9 Wooden Discs
5 Wooden Cubes
1 Legend Marker
20 Six-Sided Dice
1 Quick-Start Rules Booklet
1 Reference Booklet

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Tie Interceptor Expansion Pack
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These are Phil's personal models - tournament organizer's reward - but payment can be made through the Spirit Games card or paypal facilities.

Post & Packing
£2.00 UK
£4.00 Europe

DreadBall: Slippery Joe - MVP
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Plastic figure, needs assembly, supplied unpainted.

DreadBall: Lucky Logan - MVP
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Plastic figure, needs assembly, supplied unpainted.

DreadBall: The Enforcer - MPV
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Plastic figure, needs assembly, supplied unpainted.

DreadBall: Reek Rolat - MVP
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Plastic figure, needs assembly, supplied unpainted.
« Last Edit: 12 January 2013, 03:03:05 by Zarniwoop » Logged

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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