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Author Topic: FFG:Enigma  (Read 1529 times)
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« on: 09 January 2013, 17:00:04 »


Announcing the Upcoming Release of an All-New Tannhäuser Novel

Boone felt it like a vibration through the air, like a sound pitched so high that he could only sense the passing of it and not the noise itself.

The Reich-rats were coming apart. The master sergeant’s plan of brute-forced, fast paced attack had caught the enemy soldiers on the hop and they were paying for it. Anderson went down in the first exchange of fire, three more guys with him in the first five minutes, but the Union soldiers kept up the momentum. Ignoring the zeppelin droning over their heads, the POWs fought like tigers, giving no quarter. Anything remotely resembling battle discipline among the Reich troopers evaporated and they fell back in disarray. Straight off, Boone knew that they were fighting reservists and rear echelon types, the kind of men who had never been shot at before, who had none of the combat experience of the seasoned soldiers standing with him. It wasn’t going to be hard to run them into the ground—and once again he had that bad, sick feeling in his gut. Boone had learned to trust that instinct, never to ignore it, and even as they advanced on the Reich troopers and closed the distance, he was shooting glances up into the air. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The air vibrated, struck like a drum-skin, and the enemy soldiers stopped, halting out of runs as if they’d hit brick walls. Boone didn’t see or hear anything, but they acted like they did. All at once, the seven men still standing turned around one-eighty and came charging back at the Union soldiers. He saw their faces: blank-eyed and dull, not a lick of fear showing in any of them. They were suddenly different men.

Unravel the Mystery

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Enigma, a novel by James Swallow set in the warn-torn world of Tannhäuser!

The year is 1954, and in a dark and violent alternate history, the Great War never ended. The free nations have joined together to form the Union under the keen leadership of President Thomas Edison, while the lands of the European Reich lie under a cloud of demonic darkness. Meanwhile, the mighty Matriarchy, thanks to the mystical technology of Nikolai Tesla, has ushered in a new age of gods; and in the Far East, Emperor Meiji has united Japan once more. Its armies now march toward the mainland to join the struggle for power. Balance will never be found while the war still rages, for there can be only one victor. That victory will determine the fate of man.

But when the occult-obsessed Reich unveils a weapon with the power to grant its army demonic powers, RAF pilot Nick Cross and special agent Caitlin “Hoax” Lambsbury must join forces with unlikely allies to capture the device at any cost. In the face of overwhelming odds, can these two agents survive long enough to complete their mission? Prepare for a gripping battle to determine the fate of the world!

Learn more at our Enigma website, and look for it early in the second quarter of 2013!


Source: Enigma
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