Eastercon 2013Date: Friday, March 29, 2013 - 10:15 - Monday, April 1, 2013 - 21:00
EightSquaredCon (Eastercon), the 64th annual Eastercon, will be taking place at the Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford. As one of the major events of the Fannish year, it usually has a significant ZZ9 presence and we are planning to hold a Beeblebear’s Picnic there. For details see:
www.eightsquaredcon.org ![](http://www.eightsquaredcon.org/web/Welcome_files/2013_logo2.jpg)
Eight Squared Con will be the 64th Eastercon, to be held at the Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford over the 2013 Easter weekend. Our Guests of Honour will be Walter Jon Williams, Freda Warrington, Anne Sudworth and Edward James.
General Enquiries:
info@eightsquaredcon.orgHotel Enquiries:
accommodation@eightsquaredcon.orgProgramme Team:
prog@eightsquaredcon.orgPost: 19 Uphall Road, Cambridge, CB1 3HX
Eastercon 2013