It BeginsThe Star Wars(R): Edge of the Empire(TM) Beginner Game Is Now Available
The time has come to begin your adventures in the Star Wars galaxy. The Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Beginner Game is now on sale at your local game store and through our webstore!
Want to learn more about the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Beginner Game? Click the applicable link below:
Over the past several weeks, we’ve previewed what players can expect upon opening their Beginner Game, the basics of the game’s unique dice mechanic, and an overview of character advancement. Then, last week, we introduced the free downloadable adventure, "The Long Arm of the Hutt" (pdf, 2.3 MB), to allow you to advance your saga beyond the Beginner Game. You’ve seen what awaits on the fringes of the galaxy. Now, experience it for yourself!
The Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game features a complete, learn-as-you-go adventure. Pre-generated character folios keep rules right at the your fingertips, while custom dice and an exciting narrative gameplay system make every roll into a story. The rules provide hours of entertainment as you tell your own tales of a galaxy far, far away.
A Learn-As-You-Play Adventure
The abridged and simplified ruleset, which is incorporated into the included adventure, lets you learn as you play; you and your team will navigate the suns-blasted streets of a small Tatooine town in hopes of securing your own spaceship. With plenty of opportunities for combat, social encounters, and more, the included adventure teaches the fundamentals of Edge of the Empire as part of its narrative.

Thrusting players directly into the action, "Escape from Mos Shuuta" begins with a desperate escape from ruthless thugs, and ratchets up the action from there. All the while, pertinent mechanics are introduced incrementally as part of the exciting narrative.
Convenient Character Folios
The Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game lets you choose one of four pre-generated characters and jump right into the game. Will you be a Wookiee mercenary or a Human smuggler? A droid colonist or a Twi’lek bounty hunter? The choice is yours, and the convenient character folios present all the information you’ll need.
Each eight-page folio includes a background explaining that character’s connection with Teemo the Hutt (the adventure’s villain) and the other heroes, quick reference guides for the game’s core mechanics, and plenty of options for advancement during the included adventure and beyond.
A Unique Narrative Dice System
The unique custom dice mechanic provides a wealth of narrative options. Symbols for success, failure, and complications are all printed directly on the dice! Even a successful roll can place you under threat, and even a failure can create some advantage.
Through this system, which takes all narrative conditions into account, players and Game Masters quickly build a dice pool for each task, then they roll and let the dice help guide the growth of the story.
Visit our Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game website to learn more, then head to your local retailer; adventure awaits on the fringes of the galaxy!
It Begins