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Author Topic: SG: New Board Games at Spirit Games  (Read 1742 times)
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Spirit Games
Burton Delvers
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« on: 18 December 2012, 04:30:10 »

Spirit Games Website Whats New for Games
Overview   :   Spirit Games, supplying gamers with board games, card games, roleplaying games, d20, wargames and miniatures, for 20 years.
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Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe
Date/Time   :   -
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Trade flourished in the late Middle Ages. Economic groups like the Hanseatic League, the Welser and Fugger families, and merchants from Northern Italy established trading posts and factories in all of the important cities throughout Europe. These businesses provided the population with goods of all kinds, such as fur from the north, cloth from Flanders, wine from the south, and spices from India. Always vital, salt remained especially important. It preserved food and made meals safe and tolerable.

You are a powerful merchant! Start your trading posts in three cities. Recruit new merchants and send them to distant cities to establish trading posts and expand your interests. As you acquire more trading posts, you reap more commodities for trade or sale.

To ensure that your commodities arrive safely at their destination, you must open up trade routes and equip caravans. Win by being the first merchant to deliver all your commodities to rival cities.


1 game board (double sided)
95 resource cards
25 development cards
40 Commodity tokens
15 resource number tokens
4 building costs overviews
68 coins (1 & 3 denominations)
120 trade routes (wood in 4 colours)
48 trading posts (wood in 4 colours)
8 caravans (wood in 4 colours)
8 merchants (wood in 4 colours)
1 robber (wood)
2 dice
1 rulebook

Naval War of 1812: 200th Anniversary Limited Edition
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The Naval War of 1812 showcases the global commerce war between Great Britain and the young United States. The goal of the American player is to hunt down British merchant ships while avoiding their warships. The British goal is to seek out the American frigates and merchant ships, while protecting their own. The game includes a hard mounted game board, plastic ships in four colours and cards for ship manoeuvre that depict the strategic and tactical capabilities of the era.

Game includes:

hard mounted gameboard
rule book
plastic ships in four colours

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Old World Economy

Can you build a powerful, vibrant realm from nothing? Seek out skilled workers and organize them into guild chapters. As a chapter grows, each additional worker provides a greater bonus. But be careful: your opponents might steal away your valuable workers!

In Guildhall, 2-4 players compete to create a prosperous kingdom by recruiting skilled labourers into their guild chapters. Collect sets of cards with unique abilities to control the table. Complete a set and claim victory cards - but will you go for points, or use a special power? Which will lead to ultimate victory?


120 profession cards
30 vp cards
52 vp tokens
1 rulebook

Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition - Lair of the Wyrm Expansion
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Dark Secrets Await Within Valyndra's Lair...

The treacherous Wyrm Queen Valyndra has awoken from her slumber, unleashing her foul hybrid minions on the countryside to burn and raid as they please. Her lust for hold has lured her from her lair, and now it's up to few brave heroes to drive her back into hiding and destroy her cruel servants!

Bring even more adventure to all of your Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition campaigns with Lair of the Wyrm. This expansion introduces new heroes, classes, monsters, quests, and more!

Heroes can now discover secret rooms and investigate suspicious rumours while the overlord equips himself with new Overlord cards and attempts to align himself with a deadly new lieutenant: Valyndra, the Wyrm Queen!

Game Contents:

24-Page Rulebook/Quest Guide
10 Plastic Figures
2 Hero Sheets
22 Class Cards
3 Travel Event Cards
9 Shop Item Cards
1 Search Card
4 Condition Cards
2 Relic Cards
6 Secret Room Cards
8 Overlord Cards
4 Monster Cards
2 Lieutenant Cards
6 Rumour Cards
2 Advanced Quest Cards
12 Map Tiles
1 Secret Room Tile
8 Challenge Tokens
5 Condition Tokens
15 Class Tokens
1 Lieutenant Token
1 Secret Room Entrance Token
5 Inactive Monster Tokens
12 Damage & Fatigue Tokens

Market Meltdown
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Market Meltdown: As the Bank Goes Down, Will You Come Out On Top?

Wild market instability triggers a bank run that picks up uncontrollable momentum - and only you can stop it! Players take on the role of traders scrambling to raise enough capital to pay back their depositors. A fast and furious game only for those with nerves of steel - as the crisis deepens, you're forced into bigger stock market gambles in order you stay in the play! Will you go bust or will you be the last one standing.?

Part familiar board game format, part roulette and a whole lot of fun for all the family. It's also easy to pick up, although hard to put down. Plus it never drags - the momentum of the bank run gathers pace with such devastation that games never take longer than 40 minutes. But who will come out on top? There's only one way to find out...


1 board
1 roulette wheel
2 roulette balls
12 stoppers
360 playing chips
1 rulebook
1 calculator
4 private jets
1 Depositors piece
1 steel call bell
1 sand timer (60 seconds)
1 six-sided dice
1 12-sided dice
25 luck cards
1 pad of debt sheets (100 sheets)

Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients (includes promo tiles)
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While the galactic conflict escalates and several new factions are trying to get a foothold on the galaxy, the adversaries suddenly need to find allies among themselves to face the rising threat. The systems previously thought to be empty are suddenly swarming with Ancients - whole worlds of them, with ship capabilities way beyond anything seen before.

They are not willing to negotiate.

The expansion introduces several new additions to the base game, such as Rare Technologies, Developments, Alliances, Ancient Homeworlds and Warp Portals. There are also three new player boards with four new different alien species to choose from. New components allow up to nine players in one session.

Due to the modular design, you can use all of these additions or just some of them in any game of Eclipse, according to your preferences and play style.

The Ancients are rising. Will your civilizations rise to the occasion and emerge victorious?

Box contents:

42 plastic miniatures
over 150 wooden parts
over 200 tiles
4 boards

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Get Caffeinated!

VivaJava: The Coffee Game is all about finding that perfect blend of beans to create the next best-seller in the coffee houses and kitchens of the world. This game, rich in depth and brimming with social play, can accommodate up to 8 players, and through smooth simultaneous actions, play is quick and constant with little downtime. Try VivaJava, and caffeinate your game days!


16 Flavour Cards
20 Blend Slates
90 Wooden Beans
8 Blend/Research Tokens
15 Blend Markers
2 Modular Game Boards
24 Intern Cards
40 Research Markers
15 Investment Tokens
8 Turn Order Markers
8 Wooden Scoring Discs
8 Wooden Pawns
8 Research Labs
8 Fabric Roaster Bags

Beer and Vikings
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In the lands of fjords and icy mists, the greatest warriors of the North sit at an inn's table: beer flows freely. While mugs are emptied one after the other, servants run for cover, knowing full well how it's going to end. On the table, only one full mug remains. Who will get the last drink? The Vikings laugh in the face of death and, drawing their sword, they rush forward, yelling "ODINNNNNN!"

In Beer & Viking you are a fierce and thirsty Viking, who will do anything to get the last mug of beer. The winner of the game is the drunkest Viking (in game terms, the player who has collected the most Beer drink counters) at the end of the Sudden Death round. Be wary, though, for drinking too much will dull your wits and martial prowess. Show yourself as the wise warrior you are and plan your strategy with care. Those who will succumb to their enemies' blows won't be eliminated from the game, but will become Spirits of Loki, the god of deceit, teaming up with the other Spirits to attack the living, aiming to steal their Beer. And now, let's raise our mugs (and our axes)!

Beer & Vikings is a stand-alone game, also playable with the other games of the Spirits & Warriors Series.


1 Rulebook
112 game cards (30 Event, 10 Valhalla, 14 Minion, 4 Location, 42 Weapon/Item, 12 Interrupt)
8 Reference cards
8 Viking boards
1 Origami Mug
8 Energy counters
24 Step counters
20 Beer drink counters

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The Fast Talking Description Game

Passionate rivalries, animated banter, helpless laughter... Articulate's addictive, rip-roaring brand of fun is simply irresistible. Every generation from stroppy teenagers to laid-back grandparents has the same reaction... it's brilliant!

Articulate is outrageously simple, fast and hugely entertaining. Played in teams, the idea is to describe as many words as possible to your team-mates in just 30 seconds, without saying "rhymes with" or "sounds like".

* 500 cards with 3000 entries
* Quarter fold circular board
* Spinner arrow
* Sand timer
* 4 playing pieces
* Rules

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - The Board Game
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The Hobbit: an unexpected journey follows the journey of Bilbo Baggins, who is unexpectedly swept into an epic quest to reclaim the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of EREBOR which was long ago conquered by the dragon SMAUG.

Begin an adventure that will take you through treacherous lands swarming with Trolls, Goblins, Orcs, and deadly Wargs!

Use your skill, armour and weapon cards to defeat the villains as you travel through the different realms.

Are you brave enough to be the first to survive all challenges and continue on your unexpected journey?


1 Game-board
6 Player pieces (Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey, Kili the Dwarf, Thorin Oakenshield, Fili the Dwarf and Dwalin the Dwarf).
6 Player Bio Cards
4 Villain challenge pieces
4 Villain challenge Bio Cards
2 Game Die
60 Power Cards
30 Armour Cards
30 Weapon Cards
30 Destiny Cards
1 Instruction Sheet
« Last Edit: 18 December 2012, 20:02:57 by Zarniwoop » Logged

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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