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Author Topic: Boardgame / Roleplaying Day  (Read 5288 times)
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Deep One

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« on: 28 September 2007, 16:35:45 »

We were discussing whether to have a day for boardgaming or roleplaying in the Burton area on maybe a monthly basis.

I thought I would start a discussion thread here so we can plan out venues, frequency and who would be interested.
« Last Edit: 28 September 2007, 18:32:57 by zarniwoop » Logged


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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« Reply #1 on: 28 September 2007, 18:11:31 »

Hello all,

I went to see Phil at Spirit Games to utask about Pubs and rooms etc.

The problem appears to be that most of the pubs are now serving food and therefore can be busy and take up valuable gaming space.

So the various known places where discuss.

The Grail Court, this was OK for the Saturday, but someone (yeoman I think Huh?) took Phils best date of x Saturday every month for 2007.
The Roebuck does have an up stairs, but its a B & B and therefore no ones sure if its in use or not.
The Burton Bridge does have a room but it could be too small for board gaming.
The Albert (Prince Albert maybe?) does have a room but you could be sharing with a band maybe.
The Abbey was ok for Sundays along time ago, but company red tape ended that happy day + it costed ?1.50 for a pint of coke  Shocked
The Devonshire did have a room but it was converted to B & B sometime ago, but Phil thinks its not in use currently, and has spoken to the various landlords over time without any luck.

However I do have a business connection to the current landlord of the Devy and am planning to visit tomorrow lunchtime to see what maybe possible to arrange, was going of the idea of needing the room / space for 10-15 people once a month (for board gaming) or twice (if we moved from the Coopers), would this be a correct assumption?.

Phils been trying most of the pubs / venues over Burton for the last 20 years without much success, when it has worked its kind of shortterm.
Which is why most of the groups have ended up in Derby / Nottingham way.


Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« Reply #2 on: 30 September 2007, 16:32:38 »

Update from my visit to the Devy.

The upstairs is only for B&B, so the only area available is in the corner that Phil uses on a Tuesday night.
Thursdays are OK for us to use and an area can be reserved if required.
If we wanted to use the Devy for board gaming it could be possible, it depends on night or weekend time, would need to ask first if a date is to be set for the event.

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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« Reply #3 on: 30 September 2007, 17:04:47 »

Not being familiar with what 'corner' Phil uses on Tues can you describe whereabouts that is Smiley

Otherwise it sounds like a possible plan and certainly worth a try to see how it could work for us.



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Deep One

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« Reply #4 on: 01 October 2007, 18:31:37 »

Just reviewing your previous message, have any looked at the Burton Bridge function room to assess size?
If not do you fancy a field trip to go have a look see?  Beer

Check out:

They have a skittle room for upto 40 people and a smaller room for upto 20.
« Last Edit: 02 October 2007, 21:03:20 by zarniwoop » Logged


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Mat Cook
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« Reply #5 on: 07 October 2007, 16:05:11 »

Just another suggestion, I know the landlords changed since used to go there for live action but have you checked Star & Garter?

Even if the upstairs room isnt avialble the other side bar downstairs maybe useable...  Never used to get charged for it.
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« Reply #6 on: 13 October 2007, 09:31:05 »

What progress Guys?

We need to kick things up a step and try and find a venue at least for the first one, we can always keep looking for better venues for future events if things go well.

Do we need to arrange one day over a weekend to go round a few places and find out details of whats available then make a decision?



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Burton Delvers
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« Reply #7 on: 13 October 2007, 12:27:31 »

Just a thought - what about the Meadowside Leisure Centre? They have some rooms (3 I think - but I don't know what they are like).

The advantages of this sort of place are that -
They have car parking
There is always food and drink available
They are open until 10pm every day anyway (no direct staff cost)

Disadvantage would be a room hire charge - but as it is a local authority thing I guess that might be pretty cheap?
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
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« Reply #8 on: 15 October 2007, 13:30:06 »

It might have been, but apparently isn't. You're talking an absolute minimum charge of ?27, and that's just for renting the terrace bar for the morning or afternoon. ?34 for the evening, and ?46 for all day.
Let alone the function rooms, which start at ?35 for a morning or afternoon session, and climb to ?60 for all day.

And some of the other options make those look Cheap. Still, it only took me 10 minutes of my lunch break, so it's a lead that's been dealt with at least.
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