Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« on: 21 March 2009, 19:13:19 » |
 You will need a copy of the Calvin Wright Ally card. Rules for the league can be found hereStory Links: Chapter 1Chapter 2As Our Story UnfoldsChapter 3The Next ChapterChapters PassingGiving up the GhostChapter 1 (Calvin Comes To Town): - Ancient One: Shub-Niggurath Setup as normal. Only the following Investigators may be used: Harvey Walters, Amanda Sharpe, Vincent Lee, Sister Mary, Dexter Drake, Gloria Goldberg, “Ashcan” Pete, Joe Diamond, Jenny Barnes, Michael McGlen. The following locations begin the game closed: Ye Olde Magick Shoppe and The Curiositie Shoppe Special Rules: No clue tokens start on the board. The game ends and the Investigators win if they manage to close a number of gates equal to the number of Investigators plus 4. Gates may not be sealed, and the game does not end if there are no open gates on the board. One Investigator must take Calvin Wright as an ally. He replaces one unique item. Only investigators that begin with a unique item, either random or fixed, may take Calvin as an ally. All monsters have their horror ratings set to -3. All monsters have their sanity damage set to 2. This replaces any horror rating and sanity damage currently on their token. No investigator begins the game with any clue tokens. For each clue token they would normally start with, they gain $1 instead. Requires: Arkham Horror
« Last Edit: 21 June 2009, 14:52:39 by zarniwoop »
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #1 on: 30 March 2009, 19:12:28 » |
Chapter 2 (The Madness Continues): - Ancient One: Ithaqua Setup as normal. Only the following Investigators may be used: Harvey Walters, Amanda Sharpe, Vincent Lee, Sister Mary, Dexter Drake, Gloria Goldberg, “Ashcan” Pete, Joe Diamond, Jenny Barnes, Michael McGlen, Bob Jenkins, Monterey Jack The following locations begin the game closed: Ye Olde Magick Shoppe and The Curiositie Shoppe Special Rules: No clue tokens start on the board. Any unspent clue tokens from the last scenario are placed on the Bank. These clue tokens may be taken from the bank by any investigator as their encounter. The investigator may take as many or as little as they wish each encounter. Clue tokens do not appear due to Mythos cards, skip that line when reading the Mythos card. Instead, whenever an investigator defeats a monster, they gain clue tokens equal to the monster’s toughness. No investigators begin the game with clue tokens. The investigators win by sealing 6 gates, closing gates equal to the number of investigators plus 4, or by defeating Ithaqua in combat. One Investigator must take Calvin Wright as an ally. He replaces one unique item. Only investigators that begin with a unique item, either random or fixed, may take Calvin as an ally. Requires: Arkham Horror
« Last Edit: 24 May 2009, 03:21:17 by zarniwoop »
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #2 on: 30 March 2009, 19:13:08 » |
Chapter 3: (Strength In Numbers) - Ancient One:Shub-Niggurath Setup as follows: Setup the base game as normal. Add the Madness and Injury cards, the unique items, and the monsters from Dunwich. Add all of the Black Goat expansion. Only the following Investigators may be used: Vincent Lee, Wilson Richards, Jim Culver, Sister Mary, Dexter Drake, Gloria Goldberg, “Ashcan” Pete, Jenny Barnes, Marie Lambeau, Michael McGlen, Mark Harrigan, Rita Young The following locations begin the game closed: Ye Olde Magick Shoppe, The Curiositie Shoppe Special Rules: No clue tokens start on the board, and no Investigators start with any clue tokens. For every 3 clue tokens you wish to keep at the bank, every investigator must take a corruption card. Any investigator with 3 or more corruption cards must take a cult membership. Any investigator with a cult membership may not trade with any investigator without a cult membership. Any time an investigator passes an evade check on a cultist, they must take a corruption card. Calvin must be taken as an ally, he replaces a unique item. Only investigators with a starting unique item may take him. All cultists Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror, Black Goat of the Woods
« Last Edit: 24 May 2009, 03:22:38 by zarniwoop »
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #3 on: 30 March 2009, 19:27:28 » |
Chapter 4: (Lodge Members Held For Questioning) - Ancient One: Ithaqua Setup as follows: Setup the base game as normal. Add the Madness and Injury cards, the unique items, and the monsters from Dunwich. Add all of the Black Goat expansion. Only the following Investigators may be used: Vincent Lee, Wilson Richards, Jim Culver, Sister Mary, Dexter Drake, Gloria Goldberg, “Ashcan” Pete, Jenny Barnes, Marie Lambeau, Michael McGlen, Mark Harrigan, and Rita Young. The following locations begin the game closed: Ye Olde Magick Shoppe, The Curiositie Shoppe, The Silver Twilight Lodge Special Rules: No clue tokens start on the board, and no Investigators start with any clue tokens. All remaining clues are placed in the woods. Every investigator begins the game with a cult membership. Calvin must be taken as an ally, he replaces a unique item. Only investigators with a starting unique item may take him. Replace Ithaqua’s Icy WInds ability with the following; While Ithaqua stirs in his slumber, any investigator in a street area at the end of the Mythos Phase reduces their maximum stamina by 1. In addition, all Weather cards are discarded without their special effects taking place. Any time there are three or more cultists in the streets, Ithaqua immediately wakes up. Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror and Black Goat of the Woods
« Last Edit: 24 May 2009, 03:21:57 by zarniwoop »
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #4 on: 24 April 2009, 01:01:32 » |
Chapter 5 (Waves of Madness): - Ancient One: Ithaqua and Shub-Niggurath Setup as follows: Setup the base game as normal. Add the Madness and Injury cards, the unique items, and the monsters from Dunwich. Add all of the Black Goat expansion. Only the following Investigators may be used: Vincent Lee, Wilson Richards, Bob Jenkins, Sister Mary, Dexter Drake, Amanda Sharpe, “Ashcan” Pete, Jenny Barnes, Marie Lambeau, Joe Diamond, Leo Anderson, Rita Young. The following locations begin the game closed: Ye Olde Magick Shoppe, The Curiositie Shoppe, Special Rules: No clue tokens start on the board, and no Investigators start with any clue tokens. Calvin must be taken as an ally, he replaces a unique item. Only investigators with a starting unique item may take him. Every time a doom token should be added to a Doom Track, it is added to Shub’s track if there are more monsters in Uptown, Southside, Miskatonic U., and the Merchant district combined than the other areas combined. Otherwise the token is added to Ithaqua’s track. In case of equal numbers, add a token to both. When the total number of Doom tokens is 12 or higher, the Ancient One with the higher Doom token count wakes up. In case of a tie, they both wake up. Resolve their attacks simultaneously, and remove the Doom tokens in numerical order, alternating between Ancient Ones. Both Ancient Ones are Physically Immune, and have their attack value set at -6. Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror, Black Goat of the Woods
« Last Edit: 24 May 2009, 03:14:41 by zarniwoop »
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #5 on: 24 April 2009, 01:06:30 » |
Chapter 6 (After the Storm): - Ancient One: Shudde M'ell Setup as follows: Remove all of the Black Goat components, including monster tokens. Add all of the Dunwich components, including the board. Only the following Investigators may be used: Diana Stanley, Wilson Richards, Mark Harrigan, Sister Mary, Harvey Walters, Amanda Sharpe, “Ashcan” Pete, Jenny Barnes, Gloria Goldberg, Marie Lambeau, Kate Winthrop, Rita Young. The following locations begin the game closed: The Woods, Silver Twilight Lodge Special Rules: Clue tokens appear as normal. Treat all gate openings at the Science Building and the Witch House as monster surges. The gate opens as normal, in addition to flooding the board with monsters. Calvin Wright must be taken as an ally. Calvin replaces one of the unique items, random or fixed, listed as an investigator’s starting possesions. Treat all cultists as Cthonians. If the Dunwich Horror moves, instead of placing a Doom token on the Doom track, draw a Mythos card and place a rubble marker on the location indicated by the card. Then place the Mythos card on the bottom of the deck. Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror
« Last Edit: 24 May 2009, 03:20:00 by zarniwoop »
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #6 on: 24 May 2009, 03:12:39 » |
Chapter 7 (True Terror Begins): - Ancient One: Glaaki Setup as follows: Only the following Investigators may be used: Darrell Simmons, Carolyn Fern, Mark Harrigan, Sister Mary, Harvey Walters, Jim Culver, “Ashcan” Pete, Jacqueline Fine, Gloria Goldberg, Monterey Jack, Michael McGlen, Rita Young, Add all of the Dunwich components, including the board. The following locations begin the game closed: The Woods, Silver Twilight Lodge Special Rules: Clue tokens appear as normal. Calvin Wright must be taken as an ally. Calvin replaces one of the unique items, random or fixed, listed as an investigator’s starting possesions. Cultists have their will rating set at -3 dealing 2 Sanity Damage and their combat rating set to -3 dealing 3 Stamina damage. If there are two or more cultists in a location at the end of the Mythos phase raise the terror level by 1. Any player may choose to be devoured to remove 3 Doom tokens from the Doom track. Any investigator who is sent to the hospital by a cultist must remove the cultist from the board and place the cultist on his sheet. If Glaaki wakes up, any investigator with a cultist on his sheet is immediately devoured. Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #7 on: 24 May 2009, 03:25:49 » |
Chapter 8: - Ancient One: Shudde M'ell and Glaaki Setup as follows: Only the following Investigators may be used: Jenny Barnes, Joe Diamond, Mark Harrigan, Dexter Drake, Vincent Lee, Jim Culver, Leo Anderson, Mandy Thompson, Diana Stanley, Monterey Jack, Michael McGlen, Amanda Sharpe Add all of the Dunwich components, including the board. The following locations begin the game closed: The Woods, Silver Twilight Lodge Special Rules: Clue tokens appear as normal. Calvin Wright must be taken as an ally. Calvin replaces one of the unique items, random or fixed, listed as an investigator’s starting possesions. Every time a doom token should be added to a Doom Track, it is added to Shudde’s track if there are more monsters in Uptown, Southside, Miskatonic U., and the Merchant district combined than the other areas combined. Otherwise the token is added to Glaaki’s track. In case of equal numbers, add a token to both. When the total number of Doom tokens is 12 or higher, the Ancient One with the higher Doom token count wakes up. In case of a tie, they both wake up. Resolve their attacks simultaneously, and remove the Doom tokens in numerical order, alternating between Ancient Ones. Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #8 on: 14 June 2009, 16:32:55 » |
Chapter 9: - Ancient One: Yog-Sothoth Setup as follows: Only the following Investigators may be used: Jenny Barnes, Kate Winthrop, Jacqueline Fine, Carolyn Fern, Gloria Goldberg, Rita Young, Marie Lambeau, Amanda Sharpe, Diana Stanley, Mandy Thompson Add all of the Dunwich components, including the board. Special Rules: Clue tokens appear and are setup as normal. Calvin Wright must be taken as an ally. Calvin replaces one of the unique items, random or fixed, listed as an investigator’s starting possessions. The Dunwich Horror Begins the game at a random location. Draw the top card of the Mythos deck and place the Dunwich Horror token on the location indicated by “A Clue Appears At.” If no location is mentioned, discard the card and draw again. Any Investigator may choose to be devoured at Wizard’s Hill, Whateley Farm, or Sentinel Hill to remove the Dunwich Horror from the board. Once removed, treat the Dunwich Horror as normal. Any Investigator with 2 or more gate trophies must immediately draw two spells, and discard their gate trophies. This does not affect how many must be closed to win. All lore checks require 1 additional success, but restore 1 sanity if successful. Requires: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 
Deep One
Karma: 37
BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
« Reply #9 on: 21 June 2009, 12:27:49 » |
Chapter 10: - Ancient One: Cthulhu Calvin Wright hi-res (pdf, 3.53 mb)Calvin Wright lo-res (png, 459 kb)Heralds (pdf, 816 kb)Setup as follows: Only the following Investigators may be used: Marie Lambeau, Bob Jenkins, Mark Harrigan, Sister Mary, Gloria Goldberg, Jim Culver, Vincent Lee, Harvey Walters, Michael McGlen, Amanda Sharpe, Dexter Drake, “Ashcan” Pete, Joe Diamond, Jenny Barnes, Calvin Wright Add all of the Dunwich components, including the board. If you choose, you may add all of the Innsmouth components and board. Teams who do so gain 10 extra points to their score. If using Innsmouth, only Innsmouth Investigators and Calvin may be used. Special Rules: Clue tokens appear and are setup as normal. Calvin Wright must be taken as an Investigator. Use Wilson Richards Standee for Calvin. Place both Father Dagon and Mother Hydra in play as Heralds. Anytime a Cultist is collected as a trophy, raise the terror level. Every time an Investigator is devoured, every remaining Investigator must reduce their maximum Sanity or Stamina by one. In addition to the normal sealing/closing effects, any Investigator who closes or seals a gate to R’lyeh reduces their maximum Sanity and Stamina by 2. Requires: Arkham Horror
Regards, Zarniwoop <*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*> 