Spirit Games Website Whats New for GamesOverview : Spirit Games, supplying gamers with board games, card games, roleplaying games, d20, wargames and miniatures, for 20 years.
Website :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/disp.php?menu=2&sub=nCourtierDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7240 The royal court of the City-State of Tempest is the centre of fashion and culture. Inside the palace, the wealthy, wise, and powerful mingle, and their conversations shape the future. For a skilled negotiator, there is no better place to be. An idea seeded here, a name dropped there, a favour turned, and a courtier can quickly rise to prominence, wealth, Knighthood and more.
Courtier is a game of the royal court of the City-State of Tempest. Play cards to influence key personalities or adjust the board to your advantage. Gain control of coteries to use their special abilities. Influence the right courtiers, and complete petitions to score points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins!
48 influence cards
44 power cards
26 petition cards
17 fashion cards
8 coterie ability cards
wooden cubes
game board
MercanteDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7248 A large, safe harbour astride a dangerous stretch of seagoing trade routes, the docks of the City-State of Tempest are said to be the busiest in the world. Ships from every known nation - and a few that are little more than rumours - conduct their business here in this polyglot city. Among this chaos of cargo and shouting and gold, the great merchant houses conduct their affairs with the ruthlessness of crocodiles. Their goal: Be the only merchant house in Tempest. Achieving that goal takes courage, calculation, and a gambler's calm.
Mercante is a game of economic warfare between merchant houses. The war is fought with gold, contracts, market manipulation, and outright theft. You play one of nine merchant houses, each with a unique ability. Buy and sell commodities, fulfill contracts, turn a tidy profit, or drive down the value of your opponents' goods. With a realistic market model and every player involved in each auction, Mercante will test your mercantile mettle!
1 market board
5 merchant ledgers
3 reference tracks
9 house power cards
32 shipment cards
38 event cards
20 contract cards
72 goods tokens
1 reference track marker
2 upkeep markers
20 agent markers
15 warehouse markers
victory point tokens
coin tokens
DominareDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7249 From the busy, rugged quays of the Merchant Quarter to the ornate magnificence of the Great Basilica, from the imperious chambers of the Senate to the stinking, crowded alleys of the Swamp, secret cabals move unseen in the City-State of Tempest. These clandestine societies, bound by blood oaths and driven by power, conspire to seize control of Tempest. They wage a secret war with words, gold, and a knife in a darkened alley. When it is won few will be wiser as to who really pulls the strings in this great city.
Dominare is a game of the hidden war for total control of Tempest. The weapons of this war are people, and Dominare provides dozens of "weapons" for you to wield. Use your agents to build a conspiracy, and watch it grow in power as you add to it. Agents spread influence through eight city districts each with unique advantages, and use your agents abilities to wrest control of key parts of the city from the opposition... for in the end, control is all that matters.
1 double-sided game board
95 agent cards
30 event cards
8 district ability cards
6 reference cards
50+ influence tokens each in 6 colours
8 victory point markers (unpainted)
coins in various denominations
Love LetterDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7250 Win the Heart of the Princess!
All the eligible young men (and many not so young) seek to woo the princess of Tempest. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and you must rely on others to bring their romantic letters to her. Will yours reach her first?
Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction and luck.
Get your love letter into the Princess Annette's hands while keeping other player's letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!
game rules
16 game rules
4 reference cards
13 tokens
Northwest Passage AdventureDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7251 The Northwest Passage is a sea route between Canada and the North Pole, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The first expeditions took place after the discovery of America, due to the British need for connecting both coasts of the continent without going all around its southern coast. It would not be up until the XXth Century that the passage was finally found.
Game Contents:
72 scenario tiles
20 scenario specific tiles
112 advance tokens
60 treasure cards
14 character cards
4 tokens
Stalag 18Direct link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7252 An Expansion Pack for Stalag 17
New prisoners have arrived at Stalag 18. They will help with the player's escape plans, providing a better chance of success. Stalag 18 includes new actions and specialized prisoners whose skill permit the players easier combinations to escape. Now, players can be informers for the guards! Moreover, this expansion has all you need to play with a sixth player.
A copy of Stalag 17 is needed to play this expansion.
25 Warehouse Cards
36 Prisoner Tokens
6 Informant Tokens
6 Reference Sheets
Revolver Expansion 1.2: Hunt The Man DownDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7266 Combine this expansion with the base game and build you own deck by adding new cards to the pre-constructed decks and explore new tactics and define your own play style.
This expansion adds a new way to kill Jack Colty and a new battlefield - San Manzanillo Prison - at which the Colty gang can gain a new member. The new battlefield comes with its own set of rules making the game even more tense and strategic.
1 San Manzanillo Prison battlefield card
1 Bandit (imprisoned) card
1 Prison prompt card
1 Ambush card
13 new Colonel McReady deck cards
13 new Jack Colty gang deck cards
4 Bullet wound tokens
2 Power tokens
PhantomDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7256 A quirky short story and a new card game in the same product: this book.
On this first day, the Algonquin doesn't do anything but watch these new occupants. Being too curious, he represses his hostile feelings, knowing that the coming clash will put him face to face with John Pott the last cursed colonist and also the most terrible. He won't let this fabulous occasion to finally complete his cycle of vengeance pass by.
In this 2-player game, you manage ghosts who invade a centuries-old house in order to scare its occupants. You have to think about your tactics to combine your cards efficiently during the confrontation and thus frighten the most people. Sharp mind, daring and tactics are the key to victory
Ascension: Immortal HeroesDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7258 Kythis must be stopped! Bent on ascending to replace the slain god Samael, Kythis has begun gathering souls of fallen heroes to fuel his mad quest. It's up to you to marshal the forces of vigil's past and present to stop the demigod once and for all!
Experience the strategy and tactics of a Deck Building Game by Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Champions Justin Gary, Rob Dougherty, and Brian Kibler.
Wield the power of the new Soul Gems to gain access to powerful heroes from the past.
Playable as a stand-alone 2-player game, or combine it with Ascension: Storm of Souls for a expanded game that can be played with up to 6 players.
30 Deluxe Honour Tokens
184 Cards
Full-Colour Rulebook
Storage Tray
Dust Tactics: Red Guards Assault Squad - Red StormDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7259 Equipped with enough firepower to annihilate any infantry unit, this five-man squad can also destroy armoured targets at close range with their Molotov cocktails, and the punch of their UGLs makes them a threat to hard and soft targets alike. Consisting of some of the world's best soldiers, this squad can often be found where its skills can do the most damage: on the front line.
Dust Tactics: IS-5 Heavy Tank - Mao Zedong/Vladimir LeninDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7260 This SSU Heavy Tank can be customized to one of two types: the Mao Zedong and the Vladimir Lenin. The Mao Zedong's Quad 85mm AA Gun is versatile, accurate, and powerful enough to pulverize walkers, infantry, and aircraft with ease, and the Vladimir Lenin's long-ranged 252mm Field Mortar can deliver monstrous damage to almost any target on the battlefield.
Strategy and Tactics 278: Tobruk 1941Direct link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7261 Tobruk is a two player game that recreates the British 8th Army's Operation Crusader, the attempt to relieve the Tobruk garrison. The game covers the period from 18 November to 7 December 1941, with each turn in the game representing two days.
The Resistance: AvalonDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7262 A whole new way to play your favourite game!
Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honour, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden from all but one of Arthur's servants. Merlin alone knows the agents of evil, but he must speak of this only in riddles. If his true identity is discovered all will be lost.
Will goodness prevail? Or will Avalon fall under Mordred's dark shadow?
The Resistance: Avalon is a stand alone game. It does not require you to have The Resistance to play, but it remains compatible so you can combine games.
Carcassonne: Big BoxDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7263 Hours of fun with Carcassonne & 9 expansions.
In Carcassonne Big Box, players will find the basic game and nine expansions. This box is the gaming passport for Carcassonne fans old and new. The expansions can all be combined. Each of them is identified with a specific icon, making it easy to create the combinations you want to play, when you want to play them.
Contains expansions:
Inns & Cathedrals
The Flying Machines
Traders & Builders
The Messengers
The Ferries
The Gold Mines
Mage & Witch
The Robbers
The Crop Circles
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - 2nd StoryDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7264 This expansion pack contains:
2 Double-sided Game Boards
Additional Game Tokens
Expansion Rules
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - Urban StructuresDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7265 This expansion pack contains:
Double-sided Game Board
Specialist Card
Expansion Rules
Revolver Ned McReady Card SleevesDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7267 80 Limited Edition Card Sleeves.
Revolver Jack Colty Card SleevesDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7268 80 Limited Edition Card Sleeves.
Le Havre: The Inland PortDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7269 It's all about timing!
Only fools look for calm at the famous inland port of Le Havre. This industrious port is where you will try to amass a fortune with your warehouse and numerous buildings.
Uwe Rosenberg's new two-player game combines the classic flavour of Le Havre and the brilliant production wheel from Ora & Labora.
2 game boards with pointer
2 Warehouse boards
31 Building tiles
20 '1 Franc' coins
10 '5 Franc' coins
1 Building overview
8 Goods counters
8 wooden cubes
1 rulebook
Panzer Grenadier: Kursk, South FlankDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7270 Panzer Grenadier is Avalanche Press' quick-playing game system of World War II tactical combat. Our most popular series, Panzer Grenadier uses easy-to-learn rules that create an interactive game with no "down time" for either player. Players alternate activating their individual officers, who must maintain their troops' morale under fire while 3effectively coordinating tanks, infantry and artillery to win the game.
In July 1943, history's greatest tank battle erupted when the German Army hurled 50 divisions at the Red Army around the city of Kursk, including 17 panzer and panzer grenadier divisions with over 3,000 tanks. Long aware of German plans, the Soviets were ready and waiting, with heavily fortified lines backed by 3,600 tanks of their own. On the battle's south flank, Soviet Guards met the Waffen SS panzers.
Modern War #3: Somali PiratesDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7271 Somali Pirates is a wargame set in a hypothetical Coalition campaign to destroy the power of pirates based in Somalia, as well as to otherwise gain control of that country. The assumption of the game is that the pirates, in league with local warlords and Al Qaeda, have become strong enough to be an even bigger threat to the region than they are now. In response, various powers launch military action against them.
There are two players in Somali Pirates: the Coalition, who wants to destroy the Pirates, and the Pirates, who want to survive, as well as to maximize their own power and wealth.
DreadBallDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7246 Lead your team to victory on the bloodstained pitches of the greatest sport ever played!
DreadBall is a futuristic sports board game played with 30mm miniatures, set within Mantic's Warpath universe. You are the Coach of your team, testing your skill and luck against other Coaches in one-off matches or long-running leagues. The simple rules allow a great depth of choice and many opportunities to show your cunning. Rules are provided for four different teams, eight famous individuals, team progression and league play.
This set contains all you need to start playing DreadBall including:
84 page full colour A4 rulebook
Mounted game board
21 finely detailed plastic miniatures:
10 Human Players
10 Marauder Players
54 DreadBall cards
13 Counters
2 Balls
Roster Pad
DreadBall: Trontek 29ers - Human TeamDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7241 The industrial giant Trontek is probably the most famous brand in the Corporation, so it is hardly surprising that they also sponsor one of the best teams in DreadBall: the Trontek 29ers.
This set contains eight premium plastic Corporation players
DreadBall: Greenmoon Smackers - Orx TeamDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7242 Ex-pirate scum turned major league heroes? The Greenmoon Smackers bring a wealth of violent tricks and brute force to the arena floor in a spectacular demonstration of brawn over brain.
This set contains eight premium plastic marauders.
DreadBall: Skittersneak Stealers - Veer Myn TeamDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7243 Thudweiser League winners, the Stealers are an underhand and dubious bunch whose list of fouls is only exceeded by their speed and cunning - which is why the crowd love them!
This set contains eight premium plastic Marauders.
DreadBall: Midgard Delvers - Forge Fathers TeamDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7244 Secret deals in dark corners are the bedrock of the Forge Fathers, but you can't hide on a DreadBall pitch. Everyone can see the grim determination and courage of these stubborn players.
This set contains eight premium plastic Forge Fathers players.
DreadBall: Counter SetDirect link :
http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=2&sub=n&game=7245 Premium DreadBall counters in red and white acrylic for home and visiting teams. Five counters each for Home and Visitors, two DreadBall Rush and Score Counters and a Special Counter.