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Author Topic: Le Harve  (Read 2242 times) Average Rating: 0
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Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 22 January 2009, 11:28:58 »


Played my first game of this last night with Richard Pete (Irish) & Carl. I was really looking forward to this  as I am a great fan of Agricola, and have been wanting to play Leharve as a result for months.

We played the basic game rather than the advanced one, this being according to Richard then shorter of the two variations and the best for beginners.Its a long game even so and it took us at a guess about three hours with the last two turns extended by faffing of a positively Phil like level by Richard and to a lesser extent Pete. The aim of the game is to accrue the most victory points and these can be in the value of buildings, ships  or coins (franks) 

I will finish this latter as I have been up all night painting

Sorry about that nearly went to sleep at the keyboard and not because the game was boring in recollection.

you also have as in Agricola to feed your workforce but unlike Agricola they are abstract are have no game benefit, they also increase as the game goes on requiring more food or franks at the end of each round. Each turn you get one or at most two actions on the first you must move your ship along a track which determines which resources increase after which you can take one heap of resources or move your workforce to another unoccupied building to perform the action allowed by that building. if you own the building the action is free for the most part but if some one else owns it there may be a price to be paid in food or franks, to the owning player or if its owned by the municipality this cost goes back to the bank.

Resources may be upgraded by a buildings action and upgraded resources are usialy more useful for example a fish is worth one food point a smoked fish is worth two, all the resources in the game may be upgraded by the proper building. Each turn ends when a ship is placed on the last disc on the track and there may or may not be a harvest as determined by the turn card. this turn card is then flipped and becomes a ship which is available for building at a dock there after. Ships may be used to ship goods for franks as well as to provide food for your growing workforce.  The ships become better as the game goes on but more expensive in resources to build. The game ends with a final action by all the players once all the turn cards have been used.

As has been noted else Pete won with him and Richard being close as where myself and Carl in third and fourth

I enjoyed the game and the interplay between Richard and Pete was amusing in and of itself but its not as good as Agricola as far as I am concerned the former left me gagging to play it again and has done so every time I have played it since, where as leharve I would play again but would not describe myself as gagging to replay it

« Last Edit: 23 January 2009, 21:10:20 by EvilGinger » Logged

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