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Author Topic: Rattle Snakes  (Read 2184 times) Average Rating: 0
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Burton Delvers

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« on: 18 January 2009, 16:26:38 »

Here's a review for a game that's not even been release yet!

I had the chance to play a demo copy of the game Rattle Snakes by Fantasy Flight Games.

The game is for 2 to 4 players and is incredably simple and quick to play. 

each player gets an equal number of "eggs" strong lozenge shaped magnets (6 eggs for 2 players, 4 eggs for 3 players or 3 eggs for 4 players).  The first player rolls the dice (each face has a picture of a snake one colour on each face of the die) the player then has to place their egg on the snake of the same colour with out attracting any other eggs to it (if the egg just place does get other eggs magnetically attracted to it then the player has to put the egg (and all those attracted to it back in to his hand).

The game continues around the board until one player manages to place his last egg on the board without attracting any other eggs to it.

This is a fun little game and I look forward to it being released.
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