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  • Raiders of the Game Cupboard V: 29 December 2008

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Deep One

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« on: 01 October 2008, 16:04:25 »

Yes we are doing it all over again... We must be mad... well we do play a lot of Arkham, and Crazyfrog does have an Arkham Asylum Insane Certificate  Grin

We are going to be at a New Location this time so please take a note so you do not miss out.

This will also be on a Monday for this time only as it will be a whole YEAR to the day we started all this mayhem and fun.

I hope you can all make this one as it will be fantastic to celebrate our First Birthday with you all..

Look forward to seeing you there....



<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

Burton Delvers
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« Reply #1 on: 29 December 2008, 23:52:22 »

just got back from Raiders V and had to log on and put this in writing, It was brilliant little short of perfect in fact. I played many games Wyat Earp a rummy variant themed about the wild west which I greatly enjoyed and which I look forward to getting and playing with my western mad father as soon as I can. Agricola a joint effort with Phil, not my best game of it but not my worst either and great fun and helped the withdrawal symptoms I have been getting wonderfully. I nearly played Ark then played Mordred sadly out of print game about fighting off rampaging Welshmen so not very politically correct but good fun none the less  and quite involved for a game with a very simple set of options. Just goes to prove good strategic or tactical games don't need to make your brain hurt.

The last thing is to remind Zarni & Crazyfrog that Raders V ended at 21.00 hrs as they are still in all likely hood playing now as I post this.

well done to all the team roll on Raiders VI  Beer

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« Reply #2 on: 30 December 2008, 00:52:00 »

My first Raiders and I had a great time too: From the sublime (Dominion) to the ridiculous (Loopin' Louis) I don't think I was out of a game for more than 10 mins - even over lunch. The perfect antidote to Christmas with the folks.

Sadly when I got home I realised I was missing my wedding ring. Not terribly expensive but if anyone comes across a titanium ring with a groove in the middle I'd really appreciate if you could get in touch.

Ps: So, who ended up winning Mordred then? When I left my money was on the rampaging Welshman.

Ekil erif, ekam erif. Erif, erif DiMaggio.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #3 on: 30 December 2008, 01:34:41 »

Hi Carl

We found your ring and have kept it safe until it was reclaimed. 

If you want to drop Zarniwoop (Paul) an e-mail to sort out it's return.

You won Mordred (with Craig as your locum)

« Last Edit: 30 December 2008, 01:40:20 by Arnu » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: 30 December 2008, 01:40:39 »

I'm still stuck in my sub and its sinking  Shocked

Well, its been a fun eventful day.

A little cozy at the start, but even that goes to show how great a day it was.

Many Thanks to all those who attended, played games and had an enjoyable time.

Big thumbs up  thumbs up to the event organisers ( inc me  Grin but only in a small part ), excellent job.

I'm please Carl solved the ring problem and also found the forum, welcome and many happy postings.

I played a few games.
Bloody something (I've forgotten its name)
Pandemic (we lost and I think the BBC made Survivors from the outcome  Tongue )
Tortuga (I played Arnu and Spirit Phil and shockly won, I need to get myself a copy now it rocks  thumbs up)
Arkham Horror with Kingsport (We won  not worthy, review will appear under the Arkham section of the board later)
Red November (Which according to Evil Ginger, we are still playing  Cheesy, we won too)
I like this game and its very playable, please checkout the review when one appears on this board for it.

Once again  not worthy and hope to see everyone again for Raiders VI ( Return of the ? )

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
"You know you want a trip down to the asylum"
Blissful Ignorance

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« Reply #5 on: 30 December 2008, 02:31:54 »

I was there and played a few games, too bad nobody came for the WoW tourny but oh well I had a lot of fun with other games such as Dominion, Loopin Louis, Tier auf Tier and a card game version of Paranoia.

I would definatly head to the next one whenever possible.
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #6 on: 30 December 2008, 11:05:39 »

The ring is in the cash box as we found it clearing up and unless some one on the organising committee pawns it quite safe. I cant remember the name of the man who won Mordred but he is the father of the young lad who always wanted to roll on column C irrespective of the hordes of welsh already rampaging.  Phil had too many towers and fell off the bottom end of the prestige track.  I had lost my line of cities to a late welsh rampage and dident manage to rebuild in time. it was however close and won by really jammy dice rolling 5+6 on colum c about three times on the trot.

its a real pity Mordred is out of print

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #7 on: 30 December 2008, 22:31:29 »

Thank you to everyone who came to Raiders V.  Another fantastic day!

I got to play a few great games during the day.  (Tortuga, Witch's Brew, Carcasonne: The City (it's taken a year to get to play that one at Raiders!) & Mordred).

Jim you still owe me that game of Rumis!

Zarniwoop I'm going to pretend that you owe me a game of Red November!


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« Reply #8 on: 30 December 2008, 23:51:00 »

 Grin That's me out of the doghouse then! Thanks for keeping the ring safe. Paul, if you or someone else could bring it on the 7th that would be great.

Good news about Mordred too. I told you I'd take any victory however cheap and you can't get much cheaper than someone doing it for you! I thought Scott's lad and me made a good team...he was certainly keen!

Thanks for a fun day gaming, well done to everyone who organised it and I'm glad you all got a game or two eventually. Looking forward to the next one.




Ekil erif, ekam erif. Erif, erif DiMaggio.

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« Reply #9 on: 31 December 2008, 14:25:03 »

What a great day! I had lots of fun playing games I had never heard of. I have even been inspired to purchase one of them.

With the gaming hall so close to Spirit Games' shop, and Phil kindly opening it up for an hour, I felt like a little kind in a candy shop - there was sooo much to look at it made my head spin!

Thanks to all organisers and to Zarniwoop for inviting me, great to meet some new people and play some interesting games. Despite the long journey to get there it was well worth it and made an excellent day out. Cheers.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #10 on: 31 December 2008, 19:03:57 »

Glad you enjoyed Raiders!

What game were you inspired to buy?
Blissful Ignorance

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YGO ? lol

« Reply #11 on: 11 January 2009, 03:37:53 »

sorry for the lateness , this is Jarvis from the Yu-Gi-Oh , the link below is the pics I took of the day (I don't think most of them would have any use to you but you can take what you want anyway) , thanks for the great day from everyone from the yu-gi-oh ^^

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