This has potential to be quite a good game, the cards are of good quality and the artwork is excellent. The basic premise of the game is you are a bunch of adventurers who have returned to the tavern after their adventures to celebrate with ale and to share out the spoils of their dungeoneering.
The game plays in two phases the Trading phase where the players trade their treasure items in the hope of getting treasures they can allocate to one of their heroes to try and score at the end of the game. During this phase players may play disapproval cards either to signify they do not want to trade or that they disliked the last trade. If there are as many disapproval cards on the table as players it goes into the battle phase.
In the battle phase players arm their heroes with any armour or weapon cards they have. Players then take it in turns to do battle with the other players tapping the heroes they use. Battles involve adding the appropriate stat from the hero(s) cards to that of a dice role comparing it to your targets. This continues until there is only one left standing or the militia appears to stop the fight, as players get KO'd their treasure is left in the open ripe to steal. You can try and escape through a door or window at either side of the tavern, at the end you look at your surviving heroes treasure and compare the symbols to those on his card which gives you the score for that treasure. The winner is the one with the most points.
As mentioned at the start this has potential, the thing that lets it down is that this is originally a French language game with translated rules. In my opinion here is where the problem lies, the rules are both badly laid out and either badly translated or badly written making it difficult to work out how to play it. I have now played this twice, once with just 2 players (which I feel does not work so well) and again with 4 players which was better but again hampered by having to fight with the rules.
If someone re-translated the rules or re-wrote them into something easier to comprehend it would make this a better game.