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Author Topic: Dark deeds in very dark places  (Read 17437 times)
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Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #15 on: 22 February 2009, 10:45:37 »

a Male, level 1
Drow, Fighter cross classed warlord
Build: Great Weapon Fighter
Fighter Talents: Two-handed Weapon Talent

Str 14, Con 13, Dex 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 12.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 14, Con 13, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 19 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 11
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

Streetwise, Intimidate, Heal, Diplomacy.

1: Tactical Leader

1, At-Will: Sure Strike
1, At-Will: Cleave
1, Encounter: Distracting Spate
1, Daily: Harrier's Ploy

Adventurer's Kit, Dagger, Hand Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20), Magic Scale Armor +1, Light Shield, Broadsword

a Female, level 1
Drow, Fighter Cross classed warlord
Build: Guardian Fighter
Fighter Talents: One-handed Weapon Talent

Str 13, Con 14, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 15.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 13, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 13.

AC: 19 Fort: 14 Reflex: 15 Will: 12
HP: 29 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7

Intimidate, Endurance, Athletics, Diplomacy.

1: Inspiring Leader

1, At-Will: Tide of Iron
1, At-Will: Crushing Surge
1, Encounter: Steel Serpent Strike
1, Daily: Flanking Assault

Scale Armor, Heavy Shield, Adventurer's Kit, Magic Scimitar +1, Dagger, Hand Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20)

a, level 2
Hobgoblin, Fighter
Build: Great Weapon Fighter
Fighter Talents: Battlerager Vigor

Str 16, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 16, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12.

AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 12 Will: 13
HP: 42 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 10

Intimidate, Endurance, Athletics.

1: Durable
2: Toughness

1, At-Will: Reaping Strike
1, At-Will: Cleave
1, Encounter: Spinning Sweep
1, Daily: Brute Strike
2, Utility: Unstoppable

Adventurer's Kit, Bloodclaw Greataxe +1, Scale Armor, Dagger

a, level 2
Hobgoblin, Fighter
Build: Guardian Fighter
Fighter Talents: One-handed Weapon Talent

Str 14, Con 18, Dex 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 14, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 14 Will: 12
HP: 39 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 9

Streetwise, Intimidate, Heal.

1: Weapon Focus (Axe)
2: Potent Challenge

1, At-Will: Crushing Surge
1, At-Will: Footwork Lure
1, Encounter: Passing Attack
1, Daily: Comeback Strike
2, Utility: Boundless Endurance

Scale Armor, Heavy Shield, Adventurer's Kit, Dagger, Battleaxe

a , level 2
Goblin, Rogue
Build: Trickster Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Artful Dodger

Str 13, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 12.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 13, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 17 Fort: 12 Reflex: 18 Will: 12
HP: 29 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Stealth, Thievery, Insight, Streetwise, Bluff, Perception.

1: Backstabber
2: Two-Fisted Shooter

1, At-Will: Piercing Strike
1, At-Will: Deft Strike
1, Encounter: Guarded Attack
1, Daily: Precise Incision
2, Utility: Master of Deceit

Leather Armor, Dagger, Adventurer's Kit, Vicious Dagger +1, Hand Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20)

That's all folks

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #16 on: 23 February 2009, 19:26:19 »

Things I will do before the next session in no particular order

1 proof read and update all the character sheets so we have names on them where people have given them and any peculiarities I created by using the insider character generator are sorted out.

2 Buy and paint a ward room table and some chairs

3 Buy and paint a Drow Ranger figure for Zarni to use

4 Get Miss EvilGinger over and drag Crazyfrog along as he will enjoy it, and I know what she is like.

5 Subscribe to insider so I can do character portraits for every one amongst other stuff.

finally I have a question when do I run the next one?
« Last Edit: 23 February 2009, 19:28:10 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #17 on: 24 February 2009, 00:54:40 »

1 proof read and update all the character sheets so we have names on them where people have given them and any peculiarities I created by using the insider character generator are sorted out.

Done in as much as it is possible to do with insider and where it was not posible I reported it as a bug

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #18 on: 24 February 2009, 22:16:09 »

When Do I run the next session I originally wanted to run monthly but after comments that people could not do that I settled for quarterly or perhaps bimonthly  but I get the impression given the shortness of the first session that people would want to run it again sooner rather than later if only to have a full length session.

What do you think I have had my way and got it started on my Birthday and now its up to you, when you have decided I will drag Miss Evilginger over from Lincoln.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #19 on: 25 February 2009, 04:48:44 »

I can make any sunday, really, given a little warning. So I'd say whichever sunday (or etc) guarentees us the most players available, with an ideal of *at least* everyone who made it to the first? More than that is a bonus, less is really just a shame.
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #20 on: 25 February 2009, 16:04:01 »

Ok Tiki got that, folks what about the rest of you? when I know a date I will go and fetch Miss Evilginger

Edit just noticed 200 posts I am shocked
« Last Edit: 25 February 2009, 16:05:42 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #21 on: 26 February 2009, 18:53:59 »

2 Buy and paint a ward room table and some chairs

3 Buy and paint a Drow Ranger figure for Zarni to use

being done have got the stuff just need to paint it

6 also need to do some more floor plans for the current encounter and some more set dressing which I will get on Tuesday as well as for the next one


Edit  2 & 3 now done
« Last Edit: 27 February 2009, 17:18:55 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #22 on: 01 March 2009, 19:06:48 »

I thought for a breif moment that the next session was due tonight. (Luckily, it doesn't seem to be the case, because I feel broken right now. Aah, weekend overtime.)

So, uh, yeah. Who was it we needed to co-ordinate? Zarni and Oskar, Andy 'n' Frog, give or take a vince, fetch a siser, etc. etc. So, um, who've we heard from and who've we not? Possible sundays, etc?

(Also, if and when we agree on a sunday, be sure to remind me on the preceeding wednesday, in person if possible!)
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #23 on: 01 March 2009, 20:30:51 »

Ok I only heard form you directly here though I have spoken to Frog, Zarni & Oskar in person at the shop. I have put a provisional date of the calendar Sunday 5th of April. I need to get hold of my niece, Shudders at the thought of ever role playing again with his sister < I may need therapy to get over just thinking about that again, as my sister did roleplay but gave up when she discovered boy's and realized that me and my brothers roleplaying friends where not even in the worst cases, (Bugsy) the proto Ugio players which turned out to be her type. Her current husband being the exception which proves that rule frankly>

back to the topic after far too much information about my childhood, I will contact my Niece next week when I have phone credit and may pop over with her D&D books shortly there after to remind her in person with the spare drow character sheet  Evil Grin. I will also of course remind you in person of the date as soon as its confirmed. As for Vince if its Thursday night Vince rather than Wednesday night Vince then I am told he is already in a game on Sundays so not available.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #24 on: 03 March 2009, 19:34:11 »

2 Buy and paint a ward room table and some chairs

3 Buy and paint a Drow Ranger figure for Zarni to use

all done the figure is slight conversion to

6 also need to do some more floor plans for the current encounter and some more set dressing which I will get on Tuesday as well as for the next one

Have now done this and want to post a picture of the set up in combat round one and at the start of combat round two.

Small technical point how do I post pictures on this forum?

« Last Edit: 03 March 2009, 19:35:51 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #25 on: 04 March 2009, 18:42:23 »

Mr. Owlbear: 'Honey, i'm Seeing another Owlbear!'
Mrs. Owlbear: 'It's that slut with the big hooters isn't it?!!'

Um, how about using any photo album sites you have an account with like and posting them in the forum by pasting the image URL then selecting the text and pressing the 'insert image' icon in your reply? I thought you knew about computers?!  Undecided

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #26 on: 04 March 2009, 19:20:10 »

what makes you think that I know anything about computers? I think you may be confused of have mistaken me for some one else. Who are you any way? an how do I do this smite thing cos it sounds cool.

Edit this was not posted by me I have been hacked by my Niece but have now changed my password etc and reverted to my normal user name

« Last Edit: 05 March 2009, 01:08:17 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #27 on: 05 March 2009, 01:10:30 »

thank you Dat I am aware of that method I was rather hoping to include images in line perhaps from the gallery on this site.

PS you do understand that Smiting you hurts me more than it hurts you


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers

Karma: 30
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Deranged Hermit

« Reply #28 on: 05 March 2009, 15:07:38 »

Does that make you a sadomasochist? or.. just.. sadistic? Argh, my brain. Confused2

'I don't NEED luck. I eat nuts.'
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #29 on: 05 March 2009, 16:42:47 »

1 what brain
2 carry on like that and I shall have to smite thee Sidekick!!!
3 such characterizations  are for the weak I am evil and being so need no excuse or justification




seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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