This is a really good looking game, the artwork is very colourful and the pieces well made. It all goes well with the theme as does the gameplay. There is a set of metal paying pieces representing the main characters of the piece and another one to denote the active player.
Players take turns to move a Cop, Dame or Creep from their starting area to other locations on the board until there is 5 or less in each one. Then the currently active player takes an action card and follows the instructions, each player starts with a goal card and after the action card is dealt with everyone checks to see if their goal has been completed.
The winner is the first person to complete 3 goals, the rules are simple and there are another set of cards that are used in advanced rules.
It's a simple, fast, fun little game that I will be playing again. If you can get hold of a copy I would say go for it.