Space Mission:
Components:These are of fantastic quality, large planet tiles with high quality artwork on them, Plastic Spaceships on flying mounts, good quality cards and the resource tokens of the same quality as the large planet tiles. The quality of components you would expect from a larger more expensive game.
Gameplay:An excellent quality little game that plays in under an hour with oodles of fun and replayability. Players move around the planets scanning for resources and ultimately building space stations in order to plunder these resources. Essentially a set collection game where you are competing to get the best combinations in order to score highly whilst not tipping your hand too early to your opponents. The end game is triggered when a number of space tiles are revealed and this can cause an abrupt end, so whilst you can try and plan what you need, you have to keep an eye on the Space as things get near the end you need to maximise your turn to get the most you can.
Conclusions:A game that copes with upto 5 people, plays in around 30mins and is also a lot of fun to play truly an excellent game worthy of adding to your collection.
The rules are well laid out, quick to read and explain to others, as well as being quick quick to setup and play. The only downside is that the summary cards are a bit on the small side physically as well as type face, for mine I have copied the Scoring page (as everyone needs a handle on how this works) and put together a page summary of the turn order from the book. Whilst the cards are of good stock they are a tad thin so I will probably end up sleeving these.
Really good fun, . All in all for the money it is well worth it and I have played this a lot since I got it and enjoyed every game.