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  • GNOME 9th official all-dayer!: 30 September 2012

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Author Topic: Gamers North of Manchester England (GNOME)- 9th official all-dayer!  (Read 2314 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 26 July 2012, 20:42:40 »

Details from their BoardGameGeek Post:

Say! Can it be true? It is quite possibly time for our 9th official all-dayer!

Gamers North of Manchester England (GNOME) are holding another of our famous and increasingly popular all-dayers on Sunday 30th March 2012 at St Mary's Church Hall, Horwich. Access to the car park is from Richmond st (BL6 5QT for you Satnavvies). Doors open at 10:30AM and we need to be out by about 10PM.

As previously, we have the hall to ourselves and the bar is open from 12 Noon to 10PM. There are shops and takeaways within easy walk but we will be providing some light grub at around 6PM to keep you going.

Everyone is welcome of course, from newbies to old hands and including kids (so long as they are gamers and not run-around-and-knock-things-over-ers). Bring your own games or come and play ours. Around 90 gamers turned up last time including many new faces and there is a genuinely friendly atmosphere.

Despite the impending Grexit and the hated pasty tax (this is Bolton after all), we have managed to maintain entry costs at £3.50 (£1.50 for under 16s).

£3.50 for nearly 12 hours of gaming, which includes free hotpot/soup at 6:00PM or £120 for 10 seconds of the men's 100m final (plus £5 for a bottle of water and £10 for a soggy burger and chips). I think the choice is clear.


Please post here if you are interested in coming, it really helps the planning. Also, let everyone know if there is anything special you will be bringing or would like to play.

If you have never been before, you can get a feel for what the day will be like by checking out the lists from last time, March '12, Mar '11, Sep '10, March '10, March '09 and Sep '08..

Hope to see you there.


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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