This is a beautiful game with a large amount of components all of very good quality with excellent artwork throughout. The rulebook is well written and takes you through the first round in easy stages so you get used to how to play the game. The manual is also full of in theme humour making it a joy to read and follow.
Your aim is to build a ship from scrap parts found in the company warehouse, all players doing this simultaneously. You take your "ship" through a flight following a deck of adventure cards which detail the hazards and encounters you have on the way. These all test the quality of your ship, should it survive the journey there are rewards at the end. You can pick up trade goods on the way, the end of the journey rewards you with credits for the best looking ship (least exposed connectors) and the order in which you land. You then have to pay a penalty for any pieces you lost from your ship along the way.
The components you find to build your ship consists of lasers, engines (both single and double), battery compartments, cabins, Storage compartments, life support and structural units. Each of which have a number of connectors single, double, universal or smooth. When building your ship you have to place components in the designated spaces but you always have to connect them to an existing piece matching the connectors on all sides.
In later rounds you have more advanced rules which allows the use of life support meaning you can now add aliens to you crew who can enhance your engine or laser strength. The game is played over three rounds where each round sees the players building bigger and bigger ships.
This game does not take itself seriously and as long as you do the same it is really fun to play and every game is different. There are variants in the back of the rulebook for experienced players to make the game harder.
I would recommend this game to anyone, it's just a shame they hiked the price so much from the original release as this may put some people off.