Would you like free entry to Con-Quest but don't fancy being a
volunteer? Then offer to run a game in one slot and you can play for free in the other! This is a limited offer though, on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as all the tables are allocated the offer will expire.
So, how do you get yourself a table? Send your details (through the contact form on the
website) and the following information:
Title of Game
System (if different from above)
Max Number of PlayersLength of GameTable Location (Quiet or Main Hall)
Preferred Slot (Morning or Afternoon)
Short Description (up to 500 words)
Tags (any short, snappy key words, such as age, experience needed, drop in or sign up?)
e.g. PG13, newbie friendly, fairly traditional, pirates, funny accentsOnce we have your details we can assign a table and put your game up on the website for all to see.